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What consumes your time the most during these days ?

When we are busy, we tend to focus our whole time and effort to that certain thing that makes us busy. We often forget about the things around us.

Sometimes we forget to eat.
We forget to drink.
We even forget to relax.

And above all, we even forget to PRAY.

When we are busy about something, we dedicate our whole time and effort to that certain thing. Our focus is to finish that thing, our focus is fixed only for that thing.

But brothers and sisters, even if today turns out to be the busiest day of our lives, please never forget to remember that we should offer each day to GOD.

Always start and end the day with a prayer.

We should start the day with him, live each day for him, and end the day with Him.

PRAYER doesn't only draw us closer to God, it also gives us the strength needed for us to complete and finish whatever task that we are going to do today.

Busy ? then PRAY !

That certain thing that you are so  busy about may stress you , it may disappoint you, it may drain you.
But PRAYER relaxes you, it recharges you, it strengthens you.

And the best thing about PRAYER is that we can use it anytime, anywhere.

When we pray, GOD hears, GOD listens. He will give us comfort and relaxation in the middle of our everyday battle.

Comforting isn't it ?

Just offer everything to GOD. He will help you. He will guide you.

ROMANS 12:12
"Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer."

May you stay faithful in PRAYER each busy day !
-Busy BELL

GOD Loves you! -- ♡

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