Oka X Budo X Osoro

396 8 6

Requested by Cupa-Chan

A/N okay, just putting this out there, a lot of stuff I say in this Isn't canon. So don't freak out because what I say is"incorrect" Also, I feel like I use "replied" and "said" too much.

Budo took a deep breath as he walked over to Oka.
"Hey, Oka?" He asked her.
"Yeah? What is it?" She replied
     "I was just wondering if you'd like to go to the movies with me this weekend." He asked, sort of nervous.
     "Sure, I'd be happy to!" She smiled at him brightly. Budo let out a sigh of relief.
     "Great! I'll see you tonight! I'll be at your house at seven!" He said.
   Oka turned around and was about to leave, when she suddenly turned back around. "Ah, shoot. I promised I'd go to the movies with Osoro tonight! Do you mind if she comes too?" She asked
Budo sighed. He didn't really like Osoro much. To him, delinquent tndistudents were nothing but trouble. "Fine," he said, a little annoyed "If it'll make you happy"
"Osoro isn't that bad once you get used to her" Oka said, realizing that he didn't like Osoro very much.
     "Alright...well, see you at 7?"

      Time Skip Because I'm Lazy

Oka waved at Budo as he started walking toward her house.
"Hey Oka!" He said to her excitedly. "Ready for the movie?"
"Hey Budo! Yeah, I'm super excited. Osoro should be here any minute!"
Budo's smile dropped as soon as he heard her say 'Osoro'.
"Ok, right. I forgot. So are we just gonna wait for her?" He asked
"Yeah, oh! Here she is now!" Oka pointed at a figure in the distance walking toward them which he could barely make out as Osoro.
Osoro walked over, and was surprised to see Budo. She glared at him harshly.
"You didn't say we had someone else attending" Osoro said in a low and gruff voice.
"I know, it was a last minute thing, I'm sorry! I'm sorry! Can we just go to the movie?" Oka said, frantically apologizing. Osoro just nodded and the three started to walk to the theatre.
     The way there was mostly silent. Oka tried to start some conversation, but it was still just awkward.
     After they got to the theatre, picked an movie and then got in line for snacks and tickets.
     "Well, you sure are an odd bunch" The man at the counter said laughing. Oka giggled at that, gave a nice smile, but Osoro just looked away and scoffed.
     "I have to go the bathroom, could you guys wait here?" Oka asked. Th y both nodded and Oka ran off to the bathroom.
Budo looked over at Osoro. "So...how are you today?" He asked, failing at making small talk.
"To be frank, bad. Now could you be quiet, your voice hurts my ears." Osoro answered.
"Why are you so rude? I was just trying to make conversation!" Budo said, sort of offended. Osoro just said nothing. "Of course you aren't going to answer." Budo continued. "Just like always..."
"Well...maybe it's because I never had anyone to teach me otherwise..." Osoro said suddenly.
"W-what?" Budo asked, confused.
"My mom left when I was three, and my dad died when I was seven. My mom returned to take custody of me, but was never home. I had to raise myself, and was never motivated enough to do my schoolwork. I never had a parental figure to teach me how to act. This is how I turned out. I can't really control my actions and aren't good with people...There, I told you. Satisfied?"
    Budo was in shock. He didn't know what to say. He had never thought that her actions were because of a bad home life, he just thought she was sort of just a bad person.
     "I-I guess. I had no idea. I'm sorry, Osoro.
     "Don't be, you didn't do anything" was her reply.
Suddenly, Oka came bursting out of the bathroom doors. "Sorry I took so long!" She quick apologized.
"No, No, it's fine! Let's just go see the movie!" Said Budo. Oka smiled as they walked off to go see it.
Time skip to a few minutes
later because I'm lazy
They filed into the seats, with Osoro on the left, Budo in the middle and Oka on the right.as the movies started, Budo reached over and put his arm around Oka. As he was doing that however, another idea popped into his head. He reached over, and put his other arm around Osoro.
     Osoro's face showed a range of emotions, from surprisement (is that a word?), confusion, hostility...and then she smiled. Maybe this could work out after all.

Word count: 753

A/N bleh. I high key don't want to post this, but eh. Also I'm adding a word count now

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