The Argument

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Time- 3:54 PM

Rick stepped through the swirling green portal, holding a small device in his hand. Morty stumbled through after him, a bit of blood trailing behind him. Rick chose to ignore his bleeding grandson in favor of his new device. Morty huffed. "Okay R-rick, whats so s-special about this device? W-we almost died trying to get it."

Rick rolled his eyes. "CoURGrrection Morty, YOU almost died. And its yoOURGur fault anyways." Rick stated, setting the device down on the table. He pressed a button and the small cube-like contraption unfolded into what looked like a coffee machine. "And to ansWEERR your other dumb question Morty, this is the best fucking coffee maker in the universe Morty. It makes what ever coffee cOMBination you want Morty. Its amazing!"

Normally, Morty would just sigh and go to bed,(God KNOWS he needs the sleep.) But the fact that Rick was blaming him really pissed him off, and to top it off, he almost died because Rick wanted a God Damn Coffee Machine was the rage filled cherry on the tired, annoyed cake.

"A-are you being serious right now R-rick?! I-i almost got t-torn apart by an alien bird, for a c-coffee machine?! Really R-rick?! A-and your trying to blame your stupid mistake on me?! D-do you really value a stupid coffee machine over me?!"

Rick paused from sipping his Heavy Vodka Marshmallow Mocha With Whipped Cream On Top( courtesy of the coffee machine ) for a moment to watch his grandson bitch about the fact that Rick valued a coffee machine over him. Rick set the cup down and clapped. "Wow, nICE job proving that the coffee machine is better than you M-morty. N-now if you will excuse me." Rick strode over to Morty and picked him up by the back of his shirt. He opened the door and got ready to throw Morty out. "I am going to get sUUUPEr fucking drunk off of this heavy vodka stuff M-morty, And i will throw a mug at you if i hear whINY bitching, beCAUse I'll know its you, because fucking JeRRY isn't here anymore." And with that, Rick threw Morty out the door.

Morty hissed in pain as he landed on his leg. Rick really couldn't just tell him to get out. Nope, had to just chuck him out the door. Morty got up and decided to go sit on the couch.
_-_-_-_-_-_-__-A little while later...-_-__-_-

Morty had almost fallen asleep when he heard a loud buzzing noise. He sat up and listened for where it was coming from. He heard it again, and it came from the crack between the couch pillows. He fished around for a bit before pulling up the Interdimensional phone. The caller was unknown. Morty, being raised in part by Jerry, had been taught to never answer a number he didn't recognise. It was actually good advice and Morty decided to heed it.

The call ended, and Morty was going to put the phone down, when he heard the voicemail.

"If we have reached The One True Morty, if you seek sanctuary and acceptance, steal your Ricks portal gun and type in your birthday. We eagerly await your arrival."

Morty stared at the phone in shock. He recognised that voice. It was his own. It was another Morty.

And they wanted him to join them.

Morty pondered the idea for a moment, before placing the phone down. Rick might be an ass, but Morty knew that the coffee machine wasn't valued over him, he had just been mad. Morty decided that, while it had been a rough day and Rick had been insufferable, it wasn't enough to make him ditch Rick. After all, Rick wouldn't do something that made Morty decide to ditch him right?

Oh how wrong he had been...

Morty decided to go and talk to Rick, assuming that he would be his normal drunk self. (ding dong he was wrong)
Morty walked into the garage to find a completely wasted Rick, he was half passed out, mug still in hand. Morty's faced scrunched up as he smelt the heavy alcohol. "Aw jeeze R-rick, how much did you drink? You really shouldn't drink this much."

Morty just barely dodged a mug that was thrown at his face. He glared at Rick and flipped him off. Rick staggered up. " wHAT a-are yOu d-doing in here M-morty? Did me THRowing you out NOt iMPly t-that i wanted to beUGH left alone M-morty? God yoURG an even BIGGER moron than y-your dad."  then quietly mumbled to himself " Maybe i should have left you with that jellybean."

Morty started to tremble with unrealised rage. He knew how lowly Rick viewed his father, and the fact that Rick was comparing him to Jerry offended him greatly. But that didnt even come close to the hurt and betrayal Morty felt when he heard the last thing Rick had said."Y-you know w-what Rick, f-fuck you! I-i'm not a m-moron! A-and if t-thats what you think, w-why do y-you even b-bother to take m-me on adventures a-anymore? I-if anyone's a moron its yo-"

Morty stopped ranting when a fist collided with his jaw. Morty felt his back slam into the side of the work bench, feeling pain explode all over his back. Morty tried to scream, but found that when he moved his jaw, pain erupted and spread everywhere. He raised a shaking hand to his jaw, and winced when he felt a crack in the bone and immense swelling. Rick had punched him and broken his jaw. Rick had punched him. And broke his fucking jaw. Rick had punched him.

Morty didn't remember picking up the weed whacker. He didn't remember raising it up over his head. He slightly remembered Rick realising what he had said and attempting to apologize. But what Morty did remember was smashing the weed whacker across the side of Ricks head, watching blood pour out as Rick hit the cold floor of the garage.

After a few seconds, it finally hit Morty as to what had happened. He dropped the weed whacker and brought his hands up to his mouth. He panicked quietly for a moment, before taking a deep breath and trying to calm down. He looked down at Rick again and noticed that Ricks portal gun had fallen out of his pocket.

Morty remembered the call he had gotten earlier and, after making sure Rick was still alive, took the portal gun and typed in his birth date. He fired the portal gun, and with one last look at the garage, he made his decision, and stepped through.

I finally did it. I have been meaning to write this for a while. Me and a friend(they now have a account. Its comedyismysoul ) actually came up with this fanfic and i think people will enjoy this. Expect more heartbreak in later chapters, but keep in mind that this fic will have some cute/happy moments. Have a lovely day! 




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