Chapter Seven

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I decided to take Spencer to a little diner in the middle of town owned by a family friend, Jake. We go inside and are almost immediately greeted by Jake's mother, Isabel Dune, who was a short, plump woman in her 60s. "Chryssabelle! It's been so long since we've seen you!" She pauses for a second and gets a concerned look on her face, "What have you gotten yourself into, my dear?" She finally asks. She was one of the first people who found out about my vampirism as well as my curse, I came into the diner shortly after I had gotten my powers and she sensed something was wrong with me. I later found out that she was Magik, and had been since birth. Along with Caine, she taught me about the Magik world.

"Mrs. Dune, I'm sorry for coming here without calling first, but I need to speak with you and Jake I've-"She cut me off by pushing me to the side and looking straight at Spencer.

"Hello," Spencer says shyly.

"Hello, my dear. What's your name?" Mrs. Dune asks while looking over Spencer. I knew that look, she was searching her. Spencer had Magik in her, and Mrs. Dune was about to collapse everything she knew.

"Spencer, it is very nice to meet you," Spencer sticks her hand out to shake with Mrs. Dune, but she turns away and walks to the back of the diner and through the black curtains that separated the main room from a back room. I looked a Spencer and beckoned her to follow me back there.

As soon as we passed the curtains I could hear Spencer gasp. Mrs. Dune was using her magic to rearrange some tables and chairs to where there was one table center room with four chairs around it. She came and put some candles on the table and lit them with shaky hands. "Come, sit," She said calmly. Spencer moved backwards and I reached for her hand and gave her a reassuring look. We go and sit down at the table and Mrs. Dune goes back into the main room.

"What the hell was that?" Spencer asked worriedly.

"I know that this is a lot to take in, and I hate to do this to you, but justhear me out, Mrs. Dune wouldn't have you back here if this wasn't going to bebeneficial to you. Everything will be explained very soon."

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⏰ Última actualización: May 09, 2017 ⏰

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