Fears aren't always what they seem

Start from the beginning

"What the hell!?" I asked, wiping my mouth.

"Well,I told you I've been wanting to do that." He responded.

"For how long?"

"Since we met." He rubbed the back of his neck, got up and walked away.

I looked up and looked in the direction he went. I closed my eyes and decided to try to get some sleep.  I was woken up by something that sounded like a rock being thrown. I looked across to see if Duncan was back, he wasn't. I got up and walked to the back of the cave room. I looked around and saw Duncan laying asleep in a corner. I smirked and went to pick him up. I got him back over to the stairs, I set him down on the platform and sat next to him. I laid my head on his shoulder and slowly fell back asleep.

When I woke up the next morning I was laying down with my head on Duncan's chest. I sat up quickly and looked down at him "Good, he's still asleep." I got up and looked around, I saw some light coming from the top of the cave. I couldn't believe that I stayed in that cave all night with Duncan. I was walking around the back side of the cave when I heard a scream. "Duncan!!" I ran back to the stairs. "Duncan! Duncan are you ok?" He stopped screaming by the time I got up to the platform. "Duncan?" He looked up at me and frowned. "Duncan, are you ok?" "Y-yea. Where are we?" "We're still in the cave. We got locked in, so we had to stay the night." He looked around and that's when we heard Chris' megaphone. We exchanged glances and started to yell for help. "Campers! You're probably wondering why 4 of your fellow campers are missing" "4?" "Well, late last night, two of your fellow campers decided to wonder off. So, I took that as an opportunity for a challenge! The challenge for today is to find your teammates! Each team has been given a set of clues to help find them! Good Luck!" "Wait- Wait- Wait. The challenge is to find us and 2 others?" I looked over at Duncan and I could tell that he was as shocked as I was.

I checked the cameras surveillance from last night. I still couldn't recognize who it was that locked us in the cave. I zoomed in and enhanced the video. "Got it!" Duncan looked at me and cocked his eyebrow. I looked at him and smiled awkwardly. "I set cameras up because I was curious of who keeps going in here. Whoever came in last night is on video. Look" He looked down at my phone then back at me. "When did you do that?" "Remember when Owen wanted to hang out with you yesterday?" He nodded. "Well, I told him that I had a surprise for you and that I needed him to keep you distracted for a while so I could get it set up." "And this was it? Getting us locked in a cave to test out your stupid cameras?" "No. I needed to get the map to the cave, so I could get the cameras set up. And to be fair. The whole 'coming to the cave and exploring' was your idea." He looked at me and frowned. "Look, I didn't mean for us to get locked in here and I also didn't mean for it to become todays challenge. But I was just trying to help you out with your stupid theory of this cave!" I got up and left. I walked to where I found Duncan asleep the night before. I punched the wall, then slid down the wall and sat down. I put my head in my lap and tried not to cry. I could hear people running past us outside and talking. It was almost sundown by the time I finally went back to Duncan. When I got to the platform I saw that he was asleep. Once again I sat down across from him and put my head on the railing. I sighed heavily and closed my eyes.

I'm not sure what time it was when they finally found us. Gwen came over to me and shook me awake. "Clover, Clover. Hey. Wake up."  I slowly woke up and saw that the whole team was there. I got up and hugged Gwen. "Thank you." I looked at Duncan and kicked his leg, "Wake up." He woke up in shock and looked around. "Come on. The team found us, time to leave this bloody place." He got up and walked out, the team and I followed. "So, how was your night with Duncan?" I glared at Bridgette and sighed. "I mean, it started out rough because we had this stupid argument. But I guess it ended on a good note. Not sure though" "Why not?" "I don't know. It was just a weird night.. we kissed too." "You kissed!?" "Yeah, it was weird. But, I kind of liked it." I looked ahead and saw that Duncan was much further than the rest of us. "What's his deal?" I looked over at Heather, "He mad 'cause he didn't get any? Or is he mad 'cause we interrupted?" She smirked. "What are you talking about? Interrupted what?" She got out her phone and showed me a picture of Duncan and I. I looked up at her then looked at Gwen and Bridgette. "Girl, you have got to be embarrassed by that." I looked back and saw Leshawna. "Wait, so you're telling me that when you guys walked in you saw us laying like that?! And let Heather take a picture?" "Well, we didn't let the white girl take a picture. She just took it." Heather started to walk faster, and that's when all the anger that I had built up came out. "Heather!!!! You stupid Bitch get over here!" She started to run and I chased after her. We got caught up with Duncan when I finally tackled her. I started swinging, she started screaming and trying to block her face. Gwen, Bridgette, and Leshawna tried to pull me off her, but failed. It took Trent, Geoff and Owen to get me off her. By the time they finally got me up, her face was all bloody and her clothes were ripped. "Delete the picture. NOW!" She looked at me in shock, along with everyone else, I looked around and saw that even Duncan was in shock. I looked down at my hands then at Heather. I stood up and ran away. I wasn't sure where I was going but, I didn't want to stay there. I passed the camp and saw that we had lost, "Oh well. I'll probably be voted off anyway" I shrugged and went to a little forest by the docks. I was trying to figure out why I just did what I did. I could hear the others back at the camp. I finally stopped and sat against a tree. I leaned my head back and let my emotions flow out. I was there until sundown, I decided that, since I was going to be voted off anyway, there was no point in going back to the camp and joining the rest with the camp fire. My mind wandered to what had just happened. Over the years I was taking anger management classes, and I guess I let myself forget everything I was taught.

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