I looked down. "I thought you were in jail."

"I am, but they let me come here today."

"Justin, if that was your way of apologizing, forget about it."

"Would you at least consider taking me back?"

He seemed a lot saner than he was when we were together. The medicine he takes must really make a difference. I shook my head. "No, I wouldn't. Even if I wanted to get back with you, no."

He looked down. "I blame myself. It's cool though. It's my fault anyways. But just think about it at least?"

"I'm with Diggy, and you know that" I sighed. "No, the answer is no. I'm sorry Justin."

He nodded and walked away. He stopped and turned back to me. "I just hope you actually find it in your heart to forgive me. I fucked up, I know I did. I beat the shit out of you in front of your son. I'm sorry, Yn. We don't have to be together, but I'm telling you the truth."

I was lost for words. Did he really just say that? Was he genuinely sorry? I don't know what to believe.

I was about to say something when an officer walked up to us. "There you are" he said to Justin. "Let's go. We need to go to your sister's burial before we go back to the jail."

Justin nodded sadly. "Okay" was all he said before a tear slipped from his eye.

I watched Justin walk away and something about it made me actually feel sympathy for him. I know he fucked up, but maybe he did actually change.

Corahn's POV

"Wassup bro?" I said as I gave Diggy some dap. Minnie and I were at the hospital to talk to him.

"Wassup nigga?" he greeted me. Then, he turned to Minnie. "Hey Min" he said to her.

"Hey" she said as she sat down.

"All I get is a 'hey'? Damn, I'm in the hospital!" he said playfully.

She rolled her eyes. "We need to talk to you, Diggy."

His face got serious. "About what?"

"Well, first off, how are you doing?" I asked.

He sighed. "Not the best. I'm ready to go home, I hate this place! There's nothing for me to do and I'm getting angrier and angrier everyday. Plus, Yn-"

"That's what we need to talk to you about" I cut him off.

He looked confused. "What, Yn? What about her?"

"Why'd you throw a damn vase in front of DJ?" Minnie asked seriously.

He rolled his eyes irritably. "She must've talked to y'all."

"Are you gonna answer the question?" Minnie asked.

"Yo, chill Minnie" I said.

She rolled her eyes. "No, he needs to answers damn question!"

"I threw the vase, so what?" he said plainly.

"'So what'?" I repeated. "What the hell do you mean 'so what'? Dude, Yn's pregnant with your baby. Your second child! You can't cause stress like that."

"She shouldn't have pissed me off!"

"Dig, you're not the victim in this situation. Maybe you were when you got shot, but not now" Minnie said.

"Min!" I exclaimed. "C'mon now! You know Dig doesn't wanna talk about that!"

"So what? It's the truth and he has to except it. If Yn brings DJ up to visit him, why the hell would he pull some shit like that? Throwing a vase in front of a four year old, really? Yeah, very mature" she said sarcastically.

"Minnie-" I said but she cut me off.

"No, I'm not done talking! Yn is best friend and she's been through enough already! I'm not gonna let you disrespect her or add on to any of the stress she's already dealing with! I know you got shot twice, Diggy. And I'm sorry. But you can't take your anger out on her! Shes trying to help! She loves you Diggy, and I know you love her to. Keep up the shit you're doing now, and you're gonna lose her."

He looked down. "What am I supposed to do then?"

"Talk to her" I said. "Y'all really need to talk, ASAP. But you're really gonna have to make it up to her about this's one."

He sighed. "Alright, I'll talk to her."

"I'd suggest anger management classes, too" Minnie said.

"Minnie, chill" I said again.

He shook his head. "I think she's right. I've had anger management problems since before I even met y'all."

"Yn said all of us should go to therapy. When can you leave, anyway?" I asked.

He shrugged. "The doctors said my chest is healing up quickly. My arm is okay, though." He held up his cast slightly and winced at the pain.

"Well, hopefully you'll be home soon enough."

"Hopefully" he said. "I need to see how I'm going to make everything up to Yn." He thought about it for a while when a smirk appeared across his face. "I have an idea."
I didn't edit yall! I'm too lazy. But did you like it? It's kind of short... like I said, I'm too lazy. 😫 Plus, my grades are slipping, so I probably won't be updating for a while. Hope you all understand. 😔

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