"I'm not just going to let it go. He needs to realize that I'm not the little girl I once was, I've grown up, obviously. I can think and do stuff myself. It's my fucking life."

"I know, he just doesn't want to think that. This is you defending me again, and you remember how the first time went. I can fend for myself baby." He laughs.

"This time it involves my father and he needs to be more accepting of it." I sit up and adjust myself, rolling onto my side so I'm not facing Tyler. He does the same, wrapping his arm around me and pulling himself close.

"I love you sweets, but you and your anger sometimes get the best of you." He says against my ear, kissing it, then burying his face in my neck.

"I can't help it Ty, it's just me."

"I know."

"I love you too much for people to say something about you or walk over you like that."

"It's a part of life, let it go baby."

"Fine." I sigh, giving in.

"Alright, I need sleep. Love you." I turn my face and kiss him on the lips.

"Love you too."

I just lie there and think.

I know it bugs him to see me like this, getting all frustrated and mad over things like this. He doesn't like me sticking up for him to other people, but I just can't help it, it's almost an automatic thing to do, like it's my job.

I know I shouldn't be like this, but like I said, I just can't help it. When it comes to Tyler, it's everything, he's my life, my world, and I wouldn't want it any other way.

I must have been just lightly sleeping to remember Tyler kissing my forehead before leaving for practice.

I wake up around 10:30 and make myself a cup of coffee. I just sit at the island, scrolling through my Twitter, when there's a knock at the door. I'm not dressed, just in the t-shirt and pair of shorts I slept in, but I don't care.

"Be right there." I call, running into the bedroom and grabbing my robe, just in case it isn't a familiar face.

I rush over and open the door to find my father standing there, just him.

"Hey." He says, glancing behind me into the apartment. I look behind him.

"Where's Aunt Katie?" I ask, noticing she's not with him.

"She went to the morning skate. Can I come in?" He puts his hands in his pants pockets.

I move out of the way to let him in.

"This is a very nice apartment." He says as I close the door.

He walks around, making himself at home, the usual.

"Thanks. It's perfect for Tyler and I." I keep a distance between us as I stand in the living room, watching him as he looks out the sliding doors to the deck.

"Meghan, hun, I'm sorry about everything, I really am." He looks at me as he makes his way towards me.

I stand there, not quite sure of what to say next. I know he means what he says by the look on his face, and that makes me not want to argue over it. After Tyler telling me to let it go, I know I need to.

"It's fine. You know how I get." My response makes him laugh a little, putting a faint smile on my face.

"I know. And don't you think that I don't like Tyler, at all for that matter. He's a great young man, especially for you. He's helped you become the young woman you are, the young woman I wanted you to be. He's been so supportive of everything you've done, and that's the kind of guy I wanted to see you with. He doesn't bring you down, he makes you the happiest you can be, he doesn't care what others think, and most of all, he loves you. That's the kind of guy you need. I'm proud of you both. It makes me feel good to know my daughter is safe." He smiles, getting teary eyed.

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