Niall faking- for Puppysketch

Start from the beginning

See, if he wasn't such a frustratingly good friend I wouldn't be stuck in this position.

"Do we have any pain killers?" I asked quietly. Surely I could find some way to get him out of the room for a few minutes.

"Um, I think I ran out a week ago. Do you have any in your bag?" Louis frowned apologetically. I shrugged slightly and half moaned, "I don't know, maybe?"

"I know Harry will have some..." Louis sighed. Harry was literally a walking pharmacy. At any point in time he always seemed to have an unnecessary amount of pain relievers, tissues, plasters, creams, the lot.

Even better than out of the bathroom. He'd have to go all the way to Harry and Liam's room. It was right next to ours, but still. It would give me a bit of time.

"-But I'm not sure if I should wake them. Liam will bite my head off." Louis pursed his lips thoughtfully, "I'll check your bag first Ni."

I grabbed onto his arm as he started to leave, "I don't think I have any." I paused and turned back to the toilet as if I was unsure about whether or not I was about to vomit or not. With my face screwed up I shut my eyes.

I heard Louis sigh again and he got to his feet, "Okay, I'm going to go see the others. I'll be as fast as I can but if something happens just yell and I'll be right back."

"Okay" I murmured. I opened my eyes after the sound of his footsteps had disappeared. After a few moments of sitting in complete silence to make sure he was gone I decided that I might as well go back to bed. I would just tell Louis it was a false alarm. The point of this was to be able to stay in bed, not on the cold bathroom floor.

I closed my eyes and wriggled around to get warm and comfortable again under the cool sheets.

I was half asleep when I became aware of a quiet muttering around me.

"Should I try find a bowl or something, just in case?"

"Try those cupboards, surely there will be one around here somewhere."

"Just be quiet, his head's bothering him."

"He's sleeping, can't we all just go back to bed?"

I cracked open an eyes and after my vision adjusted I realised that Louis had brought a lot more than pain killers back from Liam and Harry's room with him. Great, now I had three people to trick. It was all beginning to make me feel pretty guilty.

I rolled over so that my back was to them. Maybe if I just pretended I was asleep they'd all leave.

"Ni, wake up."

Or not. Someone was rattling my shoulder softly and I couldn't just not open my eyes. I squinted and frowned, shuffling away from whoever was shaking me with a quiet groan.

"I'm sorry mate but don't you want to take something before you go back to sleep?" Louis asked, shaking the bottle of pill enticingly.

I swallowed, my gaze darting between everyone else in the room. Harry was standing beside Louis on my left holding a bowl uncertainly. He was in a pair of almost scarily bright flannel pajamas, if I really did have a  headache I would probably find simply looking at them totally intolerable.

Liam was standing at the foot of the bed without a shirt on, his eyes half closed and his head hanging sleepily, it was easy to tell he'd just been woken.

Harry smiled and put the bowl down on the ground by the bed, "hey..."

I shot him a short smile and sat up against the headboard, acting sluggish and miserable as best I could.

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