Room 17: L.W.

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A/N- Admin Teresas writing (-Taken)-Muse version-
Nozomi's P.O.V.

I woke up feeling a push on my back. Rin was shaking me. I didn't have the energy to speak. Why was Rin in front of me?

"Nozomi-chan! Get up!" Rin spoke. She didn't have a happy voice. She seemed like she was panicking. Breathing felt hard for me.

"Umi-chan! She doesn't look so well!" Rin yelled.

I finally felt it to get up. I had a really bad headache. My vision was blurry and I scanned the room. At some point, it all came back. My vision saw an unfamiliar room. Red lights on the wall and ground.

"Can you get up?" Umi asked me. She had out her hand and I grabbed it. She pulled me up. Things were a bit wobbly, but I got used to it.

"Umi-chan Rin-chan do you know where we are?" I asked looking around. The room looked very sketchy the more I looked.

"I woke up about 15 minutes ago. Rin didn't wake up until about 5 minutes ago. Do you feel dizzy?" Umi asked me.

"I did, but now I don't." I answered.

Umi and Rin were the only people in there. Lily White. Muse disbanded years ago, but why are we back together again? Where is everyone else? We're we kidnapped? There was a door, but if Umi has been awake for 15 minutes, she would have checked it.

"Umi-chan do you think we were kidnapped?" Rin asked. She sat down a bit worried.

"I don't know. The clock says 6:45, but I can't tell if it's a.m. or p.m." Umi said. She pointed at the clock on top of the door. (Japan uses military time, but this will be in a.m. and p.m.)

"Can we try using that door?" Rin asked. I felt a bit bad since she didn't want to be here.

"Well I opened it while both of you were asleep, it works. I didn't want to leave without you guys." Umi mentioned. I could tell that she was scared, but I had to mention something.

"If we are kidnapped, why are we here together? Could any other members of Muse be around us?" I asked suddenly. Nobody thought of it.

"We won't know until we leave." Rin said. She got up and went to the door. Umi was behind her. I followed them. Rin opened up the door to a hallway. Its design looked somewhat similar to the room we were in, but this time there were windows.

Elichi, Nicochi and Maki would be together since they are all in Bibi and might be in a similar position like us. Maybe they could help us out.

"Okay guys stay close to me." I said. I walked through the hallway. There were no corners in the distance so, we kept walking. I could feel Umi and Rin shivering. I held both of their hands.

"Do you think there's an exit?" Rin said. She clung to me. I remembered that Rin and Hanayo were together before today. Both of them were working at a restaurant together.

Suddenly, we could hear footsteps. They were running and then there was suddenly footsteps in front of us. The person wore a mask and a black latex suit.

"Shit! Haruka was doing a shit job. She didn't close Room 17: L.W.!" The person screamed. Rin was terrified and tried running back. I tried grabbing her, but the person came running up to her and kicked her in the stomach. Umi shrieked at that. She clung on to me, but I was next. Instead, the person threw a gas bomb at us. I tried keeping myself awake. I saw Umi coughing and I crawled up to her, but things went black for me.

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