The open west

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The pungent smell of cow shit was making my eyes water the horrible country music that was on constant replay played through the stereo speakers, but I was happy, happy to be on my own happy to be free. Leaving the big city of Los Angeles was easier than I thought considering I didn't have much of a life there besides my alcoholic mother and our run down apartment I was glad to be gone hell she was probably glad I was gone as well.

Packing my things and getting in my 1994 jeep felt like the best decision I've made in years. My belongings only consisted of a one half filed suit case but they were my belongings nonetheless.

Mom probably hasn't even noticed I left probably to consumed with her on and off again boyfriends to notice her only daughters departure but that was expected that's the life I've been living since I was born.

Mom had me at the young age of 18 she was fooling around with her high school sweet heart then I was conceived. She tried to get an abortion but didn't have the money so she kept me.

Called me her greatest mistake, use to hurt me as I kid but when you hear it so much it doesn't hurt as much anymore. I went through a lot of mental abuse growing up, I was retarded, fat, ugly in her eyes. She never gave me a thing in my life I had to work hard if I wanted something.

I started working at the local restaurant at fifteen saving wishing for a day I could escape the hell I was born in. I knew as soon as my twenty-first birthday hit I would hit the road and never look back.

And that's exactly what I'm doing driving down the deserted roads of Texas blasting country music and getting a good whiff of cow manurer, my destination Watertown, Texas I got a job lined up at the local bar and an full furnished apartment. I spent a majority of my saving but it's worth it. Looking out at the the green grass fields as I pass I can't help but smile. Watertown here I come!!!

A/N: first chapter for anyone that reading please feel free to correct me or give advice I would really appreciate it. I want to improve so pls comment anything I need to fix or if I'm doing well I Plan On writing Monday's ,Wednesday's, Sunday's
The more you comment the more I'm inclined to write more. Thank you!

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