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My life became incredibly monotonous.
Wake up.
Then do it all over again, until it doesn't hurt so much anymore.

I never told anyone about what happened that night on the set. It was pointless, because it just made me realize something that I already knew:
I needed to change, my life needed to change. It may be selfish to think that way, but that's the truth.

"I'm moving to London"
My mom stared at me, confused. Then hurt, I guess she knew this day was coming.
When she tried to offer me money, I denied it. I just needed to stop being  Debbie Reynold's daughter and just be Carrie Fisher. Just another high-school dropout facing the consequences of her choices, nothing but common.

My dad was fine with the decision, he barely even blinked when I told him.
I can not explain to you how burning was my desire to go away. From everything and everyone I knew.

London was like a breath of fresh air.
The first couple of weeks went by and it was definitely hard but it was exactly what I needed. Just air.
I got into drama school, decorated my flat with all I could afford and started to actually live.

My classes were cool, I guess. They were just a distraction but it was always good to have something to keep you busy. That way you stop thinking.

While I was performing my monologue, one of my colleagues stared at me so intensely I almost dropped. It was a little scary at first, my mind kept taking me to that traumaticing experience...stop.
I would tell myself.

Days passed, then weeks and everything seemed to be perfectly fine. I made friends with one of my neighbors and got a job at a coffee shop close to my apartment. Simple and normal life. Just perfect.

Then one day, the creepy-stare guy entered the shop with some of the other dudes from college. I tried to hide or just do something but before I knew, he was staring at me. Again.
But this time it wasn't creepy or made me feel uncomfortable, he just looked at me and smiled. Like a normal person.

He approached the counter and placed his elbows in front of me.
"I didn't know you work here," he said.
"Yeah, it's just been a couple of months," I replied. He continued to smile, it had been so long since someone actually showed me that type of warmth. His smile made my day.

"Well, I would love to invite you a coffee someday," he said and my heart made a little jump.
"I don't even know your name" I replied.
"I'm Simon" he stretched his hand. I shook it.
"Yeah, I know" he said.
Wait, did he knew who I really was?
That's why he was hitting on me?
He saw that my expression had changed so he said:
"I asked around, please don't think I'm a creepy stalker."
Well, it was a little late for that but either way he seemed to be telling the truth.
I smiled.

"I would love to have coffee with you."
He grinned.

CARRISON: The Truth behind Carrie And HarrsionWhere stories live. Discover now