First acting experience

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The set was impressive.
People were running around, yelling at each other and greeting one and another. The atmosphere was charged with love, and I could not help but smile widely.

My dad glanced at me. He also grinned.
This was one of the best days of my life.
He introduced me to everyone on the set, he was so proud to say that I was his daughter that I almost forgave him for abandoning me. Almost.

"Hey kid, you're Eddie's daughter huh?" the director asked.

"Yes, sir. I'm Carrie"

"Well, you know we are in need of a couple of characters? You interested? I already talked to your dad and he said I should ask you first."

Was he offering me a job? As an actual actress? Wow. This certainly was a great day. He then proceeded to explain me the movie and what the character I would be playing was all about, my smile was permanently attached to my face.

At the end of the day, I ran home. I could not wait to tell my mom, I thought she was going to be as happy as I was. Wrong.
"Monkey, are you sure you want to do this? I mean, get involved with all this mess?" she asked.

Now that I'm older, I think about that question quite often. I could've said no, the life of an actress is challenging. I knew that perfectly, ever since I was a child. So why did I say yes? Maybe this was simply meant to happen. This was my destiny.
Besides, I got to work with my dad? It was a jackpot.

The next couple of days happened very fast, my mom asked the director if I could say "screw" instead of "fuck" because she thought it was unethical. Yeah right, because she always had a clean mouth right? Bullshit.

My first scene was awesome. We were playing tennis and I asked many questions during the process. My level of excitement was incredibly high.

When my work was done, I was getting all my stuff to get home and tell my mother about my first acting experience, it was nothing she said it would be. The set was almost empty, it was very late. Just as I was going to get my bag, one of the extras grabbed my hand and pulled me against a wall, his face was covered so I  couldn't see his face. I tried to scream and get him off me but I couldn't. I tried so hard.
But I couldn't.

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