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Tossing and turning in his sleep, soaking his bed in a torrent of cold sweat, the 6' 1 slim young man suddenly bolted up into a sitting position grabbing his head screaming "get out of my mind!!".

The nightmares had been going on for months with no end. He checked himself into a sleep clinic and let them run tests and diagnostics to no avail. He started to become delusional and violent and attacking the doctors and nurses that came around. Fearing his mental state and still not knowing the cause, they placed him in a secured mental health clinic. The delusions and violent attacks seemed to instantly stop, but that's when the screaming started. It wasn't everyday at first, but as the weeks went on, it became his every waking moment as he now sat, half tangled in his sweat soaked sheets clutching his head and screaming.

"!!" he screamed again as he pounded the side of head with his fist.

Normally, the nightmarish visions would stop after the screaming fully awoken him, normally, but this time was different. Knowing he was fully awake, he couldn't stop the terrifying things he saw from flashing across his vision as he rushed to untangle his legs from the sheets. His 14x16 foot room was in a wing all to himself for no one could keep dealing with the constant 3am alarm. Even the night orderlies rarely came to his room except to feed him and give him his meds.

Finally freeing his legs, he put one soaked socked foot on the floor. Just as he put his other foot down and stood up to make his way to the sink, still clutching his head, his body froze. Throwing his arms to his side with outstretched fingers, his eyes shot wide open as they darted about looking for the source of his paralysis. Suddenly, he felt the most excruciating pain in his life. He was on the verge of passing out until a new set of pain erupted through his entire body as his bones began breaking, some ripping through skin. His body began shriveling up, breaking more bones and tearing of skin, as a thick black smoke bellowed out of his nose, mouth, ears, and every crack, hole, and rip engulfing the whole body.

The bone popping and skin ripping finally came to a stop as the thick black smoke churned and rotated. The smoke suddenly became blacker. So black that it look like you were staring into a vacuum less void. Two glowing red slits emerged in the mist of the void and a large mouth, lined with very sharp razor pointed bloody teeth, and a long skinny blood covered forked toungue, formed and let out a very loud, deep throated, unnaturally evil laugh that was heard throughout the whole facility, causing every living able bodied soul to shiver with dread and peek out doors and around corners wondering who, what, and where it was.


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