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{Ok, someone asked this and I'd like to make this clear- U R A HOOMAN! You were experimented on by KSI and are now half Cybertronarian. You basically have a cannon arm when you please}


"Me?" I growled, staring Joshua straight in the eyes.

"Yes, we know we haven't been the most- humble, but this is a deal of a lifetime for someone in your position. You are a puny human, we understand, but with your improvements you could help!" He explained, his two little bounty guards standing on either side of him.

As the time I was sitting in my cell, hands handcuffed and my ribs about to collapse. I wanted to die.

"Your god damn right you haven't been humble." I spat, "Why should I help you? Or KSI in general? Don't you see the fact that you have ruined my life?"

"We improved it."

"IM- IMPROVE?!" I shouted, taking a step closer, feeling metal against my arm.

"You can be the hero. The one everyone looks up to. You will have fame, fortune, freedom.."

My arm was now a complete canon, the technology fitting perfectly in place. I was a human, yes, but KSI decided I would be a great science project. They took the parts from a decepticon and attached it to my arm, making me a fucking freak. I raised the machine towards Joshua's head and loaded it.

"This is what you did to me. Don't you understand?" I questioned, cocking it.

"We understand how betrayed-"

"Like the hell you do! I could give to fucking shorts and curlies about how betrayed you think I am!" I growled.

"Help the decepticons, you gain freedom! I feel like this is a win win! What don't you like about this offer?!" Joshua said, pushing my cannon away.

"The fact that the same guy that gave the offer that I would be improved is offering me this."

"You'll be free!" Joshua growled.

I pondered, tapping my foot,"Fine."

"Wait your serious?" He asked, eyes widening.

"Better show me what I need to do before I drop out." I mumbled.

"Follow me," Joshua nodded in my direction and we walked down a long hallway.

He led me into a glass elevator along with his two bouncers. The entire elevator shook and Joshua looked at me.

"They're here." He mumbled.

After the elevator stopped at our floor, Joshua led me into an area that I knew all to well- the lab. Walking through the lab, my cannon slowly descended back into my human flesh.

"Who's they?" I asked, following Joshua. His two guards loaded their guns and I rolled my eyes at the lack of answers.

"These god damn-" He was cut off and my eyes widened at the giant 30ft bots standing in front of me. My mouth gaped open and I felt my eyes widen even more- if that was even possible.

"HEY HEY! THAT IS COMPANY PROPERTY!" Joshua shouted, pointing his finger at the large bot.

The hell? Are these the bots from the Chicago war?!

"I'll splatter him, just give me the word," A giant metal robot with a beard-like thing gave a puff of his cigar.

"Go ahead, show us your true colors." Joshua said, smiling.

"Can someone explain what's going on?!" I asked, looking at Joshua.

The metal robot aimed his gun at me and the blue and red one that was slightly larger then the others called him off with the wave of his hand.

"Those were my friends," The red and blue bot said, pointing at the lab, which had been destroyed.

"Those were dead hunks of metal that we used for business-- for experiments. You cannot stop technology." Joshua remarked.

"We are not, your technology!" It shouted, kicking in a large window pane.

I stood there wide eyed, and shuffled backwards a little bit.

"Imma vaporize his ass." The metal bot mumbled.

"The world will know what you've done."

"The world? The world will approve. Don't you get it? We don't need you anymore. We can make you now." Joshua began to milk it, and I stared up at the blue and red bot warily.

"That was cruel." The larger bot mumbled.

"Joshua, how do they know you?" I questioned.

"Your friend here killed  many of mine," The largest bot growled, kneeling down to my level.

"Friend? Ha, that's an understatement," I laughed.

"That's not surprising," The small robot mumbled.

"Autobots, we're done here." The red and blue bot began walking away, completely ignoring what I said before.

"What? We don't even get to kick a little bit of ass?" A small robot whined.

"Why don't you go with them Y/N? It'd take you off my hands." Joshua chuckled.

"Excuse me? Do you not remember what you just offered me?" I gaped.

"I was just playing," Joshua growled.

I growled and walked away, feeling metal on my wrist.

"Let's show you to who you will assist." Joshua sighed, walking towards the hallway.

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