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Swanpaw twisted and rolled in her nest as it was not that long ago when they became apprentices. Fluttering her eyelids her Amber eyes shone lightly reflecting of the dim dawn light. I hate being with other clan apprentices. She hissed in her head never knowing clans paired all their apprentices together.

The feathery silver tabby prodded her sister noticing Foxfoot looming over the Pine league den. The orange Tom's stalky black legs making him look even more menacing. "Get up Pine leaguers we got work to do!" He growled stalking off as the apprentices trailed after.

"I'm not excited for this.." She whispered to her best friend Crowpaw.

"Yeah me neither." The charcoal she-cat agreed.

"We'll be battle training where the river bends."
Foxfoot announced sprinting off to the Northeast.

"How fast is this cat?" Swanpaw could hear Featherpaw groan behind them.

The feathery tabby bolted ahead surprised of her remarkably good agility.

She panted stopping right behind Foxfoot. "Well at least one of you are fast." He praised Swabpaw with a light smile. She stretched her legs not very eager to learn as Crowpaw strode behind her.


Ugh I hate how long this was not mention tiring. Featherpaw pointed out to her friend Rowanpaw. The pale ginger apprentice was about a moon younger than her with a sleek fragile frame and bright golden eyes.
"I know right?" The ginger she-cat exclaimed.
Featherpaw flicked her ears noticing they were near the river from the bodies of Cats clustered around one.
"Listen up as you heard we'l- Foxfoot was cut off by Cloverstorm Featherpaw guessed studying the she-cat." Lucky you guys we'll be doing assessments today!" He exclaimed putting the apprentices in order.

"We'll follow you as we watch you hunt and explain other things later and then you have to go on your apprentice's quest." He explained flicking his tail for everyone to start.
(Not gonna write this tbh)


What should I even do for the quest? Swanpaw thought since she finished hers first she decided to think of her quest. Killing a deadly adder? Too ambitious, catching all the kinds of mice in territory? That'll take moons. Oh I know! Collecting a swan feather since my name is Swanpaw!

The feathery silver tabby smiled bounding to Foxfoot to tell him her quest. "Alright, be careful and I think you'll find a feather at Swanlake!" He nodded.

Swanpaw kneaded at the ground once she arrived to her destination. Waves lapped the sandy shores of deep blue water as a fresh breeze drifted over head. The feathery she-cat gazed out realizing over-lapping mist rushed in at an amazing pace. She twitched her whiskers in surprise noticing no feathers at all. This is going to be harder then I thought. She realized touching the water as a shiver jolted through her body from the chilly touch. Brrr! The feathery she-cat thought scanning the terrain for any ways across to the island she knew was in the middle fully of swan feathers.

A gigantic mahogany log loomed a few fox-lengths away barely visible in this dreadful but mystical mist.
Panting, Swanpaw leapt onto the log her claws slowly, sinking into the smooth bark as she gripped along the dangerous quest. She grtitted her teeth as she leapt off wondering what time of day it was, the tree was long and slim but the island was so far away that at least three trees helped the bridge stretch across. She picked one of the fluffiest swan feathers before her eyes slowly closed into sleep.

She shook her fur before blinking her vibrant eyes not gleaming in the dawnlight. Still misty...  She groaned rising to her narrow well framed paws before trekking back with her precious cargo.

Once Swanpaw arrived all the other apprentices gathered as Foxfoot listed off the ones who would be becoming warriors. "Featherpaw, Gingerpaw, Eveningpaw, Owlpaw, Reedpaw and Swanpaw will all becoming warriors at next sunhigh." Foxfoot announced. "Now get some sleep!" He added before stalking away. "Congratulations Swanpaw! I wish I could be with you too!" Crowpaw exclaimed. "Me too.." Her whiskers twitched with sympathy. "Come on let's get some rest." She nodded before strolling off with Crowpaw.


"Swanpaw, Featherpaw, Eveningpaw, Gingerpaw, Owlpaw and Reedpaw. Do you all promise to uphold the warrior code and guard it with your life?"

"I do."
"Then by the powers invested in me you shall be known as..
Swanmist, Featherspiral, Eveningbreeze, Gingerwind, Owltuft and Reedsong."

(Insert all those names here) The cats situated all cheered. Featherpaw no Featherspiral leapt down to go see Quailheart who was there below waiting for Swanmist and her. She smiled running down once the meeting was  dismissed. "I'm so proud of you my daughters!" She exclaimed licking their foreheads her cheeks Rosy with happiness. "Moooom stop embarrassing us." Featherspiral whined. "Oh are you guys too old now for motherly licks?" She queried laughing.

"Nooooo- " Good since you too need to rest up for your vigil!" And then that she trotted off. "I guess we do need to rest up." Featherspiral yawned trotting off with Swanmist trailing behind.

Sorry that I didn't let you see Featherspiral's quest n' stuff but yeah they are warriors now woo!
Also credit to Poppy tea for the league thing she's a great author for warrior fanfics and art!

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