Chapter 19 - Unexpected Obstacles

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"Chichi actually gave up Gohan's study time to get me back?" Goku asked in amazement. Goku knew that Gohan's studies were Chichi's priority. Did this time away from Chichi make her realize that Goku was priority as well?

Piccolo secretly smiled to himself, as it looked like he going to be successful in bringing Goku back to their training grounds.

"Piccolo, I'm sorry but I can't go back. I promised Bulma that we would find the dragonballs together." Goku said.

"Goku, don't be stupid! This wish may work or it may not! We can't take such chances!" Piccolo responded angrily. "We have to protect the Gohan from this lifetime! I trained with him all week, he's truly amazing Goku. Don't make such a foolish wish!"

"Piccolo, I made a promise to Bulma!"

"Well, Goku…I hope for the sake of this planet you will reconsider this reckless wish you two have planned. You know where to find me if you change your mind Goku." Piccolo stated calmly. "And I think with time you will change your mind Goku. You may love Bulma which is plain to see, but you love this planet far more…"

And with that final statement, Piccolo was off.

Bulma looked at her dragonball radar as she circled the base of the volcano. From the radar signals it appeared that the last dragonball may actually be inside volcano. She had minimal tools with her and she could never devise something in such short amount of time that would allow her to go inside the volcano with Goku. This looked like something Goku might have to do on his own. Bulma sat down on the grass as she sighed despondently, she wanted to be with him when he retrieved the last dragonball.

"You look quite miserable woman, now why would that be?" A familiar voice stated and Bulma looked up.

"Vegeta!" Bulma gasped as she got up.

"Is your misery caused by abandoning me to those useless scientists to care for the Gravity Room?" Vegeta continued with his lecture.

"Why are you here?!" Bulma asked.

"Or…is your misery caused by spending so much time alone with 3rd class warrior like Kakarot?" Vegeta stated.

"Are you following me?" Bulma inquired.

"The last time we spoke, you had promised me that you would return to maintaining the Gravity Room instead of those idiots you had hired. Imagine my surprise when those exact same idiots returned the very next day?" Vegeta started. "Imagine my greater surprise that after suffering many days with those lousy minions that when I go searching for you that I find you wrapped in the arms of 3rd class warrior!" Vegeta flared angrily.

"Why would that make you so upset, Vegeta?" Bulma asked with interest.

"Our child doesn't need to be exposed such a lowly warrior and you are sabotaging my training!" Vegeta responded hotly.

"Well, when it comes to our child Vegeta, you clearly stated to me that you have no interest! As for your training, deal with it!" Bulma retorted. "I don't work for you! I do as I please!"

"Oh yes, you certainly do…I wonder if Kakarot's mate is aware," Vegeta threatened.

"FYI, Chichi is aware so don't bother trying to scare me away from Goku using that tactic!" Bulma replied crossing her arms and sneering at Vegeta. Vegeta glared at Bulma.

"Either way, our child cannot be raised by the likes of Kakarot. They have royal blood in them, they deserve better!" Vegeta stated.

"Well, your majesty, in a couple of hours or so, this child may not be yours anymore so you can drop the concerned father act!" Bulma responded.

"Woman, are you losing your mind? Whether I like it or not, that brat is mine." Vegeta said.

"They won't be after I make my wish for a different life without you in it!" Bulma scoffed.

Vegeta stood there speechless. When it came to this woman, he never really knew where he stood with her. A week ago she was practically begging him to help her raise this child and now she wanted him out of her own and their child's life. He glimpsed at what was getting taken away from him, Bulma standing there in her righteous anger, furious sparkle in her eyes, irate pout on her kissable mouth, and their child's ki responding dynamically to her infuriated emotions. Without thinking, Vegeta once again grabbed Bulma and forced a kiss from her lips.

Admittedly, he had told her he didn't want any part of their child's life but that was only because he wanted what was best for their kid. Yet, now that he was faced with the circumstance of not being part of anything at all and it scared him. It also scared him that such weak emotions were strongly coursing through him in regards to this human and their child.

At the sound of someone clearing their throat loudly, their violent kiss came to end. Looking up from her angry haze, Bulma saw Goku's confused face.

Goku had witnessed Vegeta and Bulma kissing.

No Regrets [A DBZ Fanfiction]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz