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 It was nighttime when Amelia woke up. Enzo was waiting for her.

 "How long was I asleep for?" she asked.

 "A long time. You're not well, Amelia. I think we should leave, keep driving until we find somewhere else." 

 Amelia didn't reply. She got up from the bed and walked over to the window. She stared out into the night, wondering what she was to do.

 "I know I must do something with myself," she said. "I knew I could have a real life, something grand and adventurous."

 "Well, now you have the chance," Enzo said. "Take it, Amelia. But first, let me drive us out of here, shall I?" He held out his hand, which Amelia hesitatingly took into her own.


 They drove silently for a long time. Amelia stared out her window as they went, watching the countryside roll by. Enzo wondered what she was thinking, but didn't ask. He knew it wasn't really any of his business.

 As the sun began to rise, they came to a quiet, empty field.

 "Can we stop for a few minutes?" Amelia asked. "I'm tired of just sitting here."

 "Of course." Enzo pulled over to the side of the road, by the field.

 Amelia climbed out of the passenger seat, took off her shoes, and let her bare feet seep into the dewy grass.

 "Feel good?" Enzo asked, watching her with curiosity.

 She nodded and began to walk further out into the field.

 "Amelia?" Enzo called. "Where are you going?"

 "Just for a walk, silly," she called back. 

 That didn't reassure him in any way. He didn't know what kind of state she was in, or what she might do.

 Enzo hopped out of the driver's seat and walked after her. "Amelia?"

 She dropped down to look at the wildflowers growing, gently running her fingers over them.

 "Look at them all," she said. "Aren't they beautiful?"

 Enzo shrugged. "I suppose so."

 "Oh, come on, Enzo." She stood again. "Being a vampire couldn't have taken all of your emotion away. Or your appreciation of beauty. Don't you know a beautiful flower when you see one?"

 He nodded. "I know beauty when I see it. All vampires do. Well, most of them, I think."

 She plucked a few of the wildflowers from the ground. "I'm going to take these with me."

 "They'll die soon."

 "I know. Everything dies eventually, Enzo." Amelia walked back to the car, clutching the flowers in her hand. Enzo didn't seem to have much choice besides following her.


 Their journey continued. Enzo drove them further west, stopping at restaurants and inn for food and some sleep. Amelia's moods began to change. She began to smile more, really smile. Enzo even heard her laugh for the first time. 

 Amelia and Enzo definitely had a bond, even though it was a strange one. They still didn't know each other well, but they now knew each other's darkest secrets, plus they were already attracted to each other. Enzo wasn't sure if he was attracted to her in a romantic way; she didn't seem to be attracted to him in that way.

 "You don't have to live this trivial human life, you know," he said one day.

 "Oh?" She glanced at him. "What do you mean?"

 "You can be a vampire. Why not? You could do it."

 "I know I could," she replied slowly. "It's a matter of if I would. I have been listening to what you've had to say about vampires, Enzo. It's tempting, but I don't think it would be right for me." She sighed. "Maybe I'll just travel the world with you until I get old and die. You're the only person left in this world I'm a bit fond of."
 Enzo smiled. "Amelia Black, if you truly are fond of me, then you can stay as long as you like, because I'm growing of fond of you, too."

My Dear Amelia | Enzo St. JohnWhere stories live. Discover now