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 Amelia stood frozen in place.

 "A vampire?" she repeated. "They don't exist! I heard a scream from down there. You killed-"

 "Shh! Keep your voice down. There's police nearby, and I can't compel an entire group at once. But vampires do exist, because I am a vampire. Amelia, let me tell you my story."

 "No." She stepped back. "Why should I?"

 "Because you came here looking for me, didn't you? Judging by that bag, you either got fired or you ran away." He stepped further back into the alleyway. "Come with me. I can help you."

 "Why should I follow you down there?" she demanded. "So you can kill me as well?" 

 "You don't seem to want any run-ins with the police. Come on, Ms. Black. You don't trust me anymore?"

 Amelia looked from Enzo to the police nearby.

 "I'll come with you, but keep your distance," she said.

 She followed Enzo until they came to a hotel, his hotel. They went up his room, where Enzo began to pack his own things.

 "Are you leaving?" she asked.

 "No," he replied. "We are leaving. You clearly have reasons for running away, and I can't stand this city, anyway. Wait here."

 Amelia stood somewhat awkwardly in the middle of the room. Enzo was obviously a murderer, and was claiming to be a vampire. She knew he was a charming man, but she had not expected him to be insane. She should leave, just run away by herself. But she had only a little money, and nowhere to go. Enzo seemed to at least have a plan. She could always ditch him at some point, if he didn't kill her first.

 Enzo came back into the room. "Car's waiting. Let's go."

 "Where did you get a car?" Amelia asked.

 "Just a little compulsion. Come on, let's go."

 They ran out of the hotel and into the car.

 "Where are we going?" Amelia asked as Enzo drove away.

 "Not sure yet," he answered, "But it's certainly going to be somewhere far away."

 They drove in silence for a while, Enzo concentrating on the road, Amelia in her own thoughts.

 Finally, she said, "Enzo?"


 "Tell me about vampires."


 By the time they stopped, Amelia believed in vampires.

 "I never thought they were real," she said as they got out of the car. "I thought they were just in books."

 "Most people believe that these days," said Enzo. "They can't open their eyes and see the truth. It may be better that way, though."

 "How do you walk out in the sun?"

 He held up his hand. "Daylight ring. Got it from a witch, long time ago. So, let's rest up, shall we?"

 They had pulled up to an inn somewhere upstate. Enzo carried their bags inside and was able to get them a room.

 "Here we are," he said once they'd gotten up the stairs. "Why don't you get some sleep? I'll keep watch."

 Amelia shook her head. "I don't think I can sleep. Not after what happened."

 "Why? I don't think you've said why you left. Amelia," Enzo sat down next to her, "Tell me. Why did you suddenly have to leave?"

 So, she told him. The whole, terrible story from the night before. When she finished, Enzo sighed and said, "The bastard. He deserved that."

 "Not to die."

 "Oh, yes, he did. That could have been so much worse for you, Amelia. Much worse than you deserve."

 "What do you mean by that?" Amelia asked.

 "I mean," Enzo said, "That you deserve better, Amelia. You deserve far more than that life, and I know that you can do better."

 Something in Amelia broke with those words, a flood of emotions she had kept locked away for such a long time.

 She cried for the first time in six years.

My Dear Amelia | Enzo St. JohnWhere stories live. Discover now