He shook his head to stop thinking. It was something that all the family had. It was a good characteristic at times, but often a distraction, especially while being a spy.

He couldn't talk to Jared if he was thinking of his wife. No matter how well of a façade he was able to put up, Anthony wouldn't be able to get through a conversation like that.

Anthony thanked his years of spying and strengthening his memory for getting him to the office. Even if he'd been to a place a couple times, he could still remember where a place was by memory. He stood in front of the glass doors and took a deep breath officially clearing his memory before walking in. He went to the secretary making sure that Jared didn't have an appointment soon so he could have the conversation. The secretary informed him that Waxford did have an appointment, but before he could leave Jared came into the room.

"Anthony, what are you doing here?" Jared said straightening out his suit. Anthony never understood why Jared always wore a suit. It wasn't a requirement for the principle, but he always seemed to wear one. Anthony thought it was just for the show of power. Jared was always one to be big on power.

"I just wanted to speak with you, but Mary your secretary informed me that you had an appointment soon, so I was just about to go." Anthony said pointing toward the door. Jared thought for a few seconds, but invited Anthony in to his office saying that it could wait and told him to sit down, which Anthony obliged to.

"So, what did you want to speak to me about Anthony? Was it about the conversation we had about earlier?" Jared said. Anthony made a noise at the last sentence.

"No, it is not about that conversation. Even though I still don't agree with your idea, I'm doing it for my daughter. I actually have something else to talk about. It also actually has to do with my son Tyson, not Katherine." Anthony said informing Jared. Jared looked up after Anthony mentioned Tyson.

"Tyson? He's a good kid, is there something going on that I need to know about?" Jared said. Anthony felt some pride at the mention of Tyson being a good kid. He knew that Tyson was, it was just nice to hear.

"Actually yes, there is something you know about." Anthony said to which Jared nodded telling him to continue which Anthony did "He hurt himself, and I was wondering if you could excuse him from his classes today to give him the opportunity to rest." Anthony finish hoping that Jared wouldn't ask any further question.

Sadly to his dismay Jared did. "Hurt himself how." Anthony didn't know how to respond to that. There were multiple ways that Jared could respond, but he did need to know the truth as the principle.

"You know that yesterday was my wife's birthday I assume?" Anthony said getting a nod in response "Well, Tyson didn't take it very well. He punched the mirror in his room and he got blood on himself almost everywhere. He's just an emotional mess at the moment."

"Well, usually I would send him to class, but he's probably still in an emotional state. I'll let the teachers be aware." Jared said scribbling down a note to remember.

"Jared, do you think that you could maybe not tell them exactly what happened. Tyson would not enjoy being reminded of what he did. He doesn't want to be seen as weak." Anthony said trying to still leave his son's reputation the same as it was before.

"Of course Anthony." Jared said scribbling down another note of remembrance. Anthony was about to get out of the chair, but Jared said something before he could. "Oh Anthony I forgot to mention. The practice mission you're leading tomorrow?" Anthony nodded signaling Waxford to continue, he honestly didn't know where Jared was headed with this statement, but by his next few words he wish he didn't find out. "It's starting then. I wanted to make sure you knew, so you wouldn't interfere with what's going on with what's happening to your daughter. I just wanted to make sure that you won't interfere with my plans, or else you wouldn't be happy with where it would head. We're still on the same side correct? It would be a shame to see something bad happen." Jared said predatorily ending with a smirk.

"Of course sir. Wouldn't want anything bad to happen." Anthony stood up walking out of the room. It wasn't until he got to his thankfully empty classroom he took a deep breath. Dreading for what was going to happen the next day. The worst part? He didn't know what exactly was going to happen, and it was going to happen to his daughter.


Dun, dun, dun. So next chapter will be what happened in Chapter 10, and then what happened in this one will be in Chapter 15. I feel cruel about doing that, but it's also kind of fun. So?? I hoped y'all like this chapter. I felt bad for Tyson while writing this, but hopefully him and Anthony will make up. Hopefully, I didn't say they will. I guess that means you have to stick around for that answer. You will also have to wait to see what happens with the practice mission till 15. What do y'all think will happen? I really want to see your ideas, so comment!!

xoxo- Rylee

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⏰ Last updated: May 08, 2017 ⏰

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