Chapter 10

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After leaving her father's room, Katherine went to her room trying to avoid as many people as she could. Her mom's death was really taking a toll on her since she didn't have to look after Tyson anymore. "Katherine!" a voice said bringing Katherine out of her mind, she's been doing that a lot lately. Katherine turned around and to her surprise- and not gladly- she saw Mrs. Montgomery.

"Mrs. Montgomery!" Katherine said while giving a fake smile "I didn't expect to see you here." Mrs. Montgomery was now caught up with Katherine and they were walking together.

"Well, you won't be seeing much more of me. My husband Robert and I are leaving in three days because Josh insisted. Usually I wouldn't listen to him, but I respect that he wants his space. He can be very closed off as you can probably see, I mean since you've been spending so much time with him lately."

"Right. Um, I better get to class. I have code decrypting." Katherine said she didn't enjoy code decrypting as much as other classes, but she sensed something off in Mrs. Montgomery's demeanor.

"Right, sorry. I actually need to talk to you. My husband and I were sad that you couldn't make it to the dinner yesterday. Josh said that something last minute came up. Are you okay?" Mrs. Montgomery said still sounding different then normal.

"Yes, I'm alright, don't worry about me. Believe me I was excited to come to the dinner, but something with my family came up." Katherine didn't know exactly how to word that. She couldn't tell Mrs. Montgomery about her personal life even though she already knew about her mom's death. Katherine's never shared something as personal with anyone in her life. Personal stuff wasn't something Katherine was ever big on, or told anyone-ever.

Mrs. Montgomery seemed to take the answer which Katherine was more then content with. "Well, since we are leaving soon, I wanted to invite you over again. Would you be able to come over tonight?"

Katherine had to think about it slightly. Well, I don't think 5 minutes would be considered slightly, but she did have to think it over in her head. What would Josh say? Why do you care what Josh say he's not your boyfriend Katherine!! "I would love to Mrs. Montgomery."

"Great then, I'll have to figure something out to make! Oh shoot, you said you had to get to a class correct?" Katherine's eyes widened and she nodded fast. She's never been late-well now missed- a class in her life. "I'll talk to the principle about it. Anyways, Josh mentioned how smart you are, they probably didn't learn anything that you didn't already know."

"Right. Thank you Mrs. Montgomery!" Kat said while she was running to her next class. She finally had a conversation with Josh's mother that didn't end in a total disaster.


"Why were you late to codes?" Josh said as he opened the door to Katherine's room. They both knew that boys weren't allowed in the girl's rooms, but somehow they manage to avoid getting in trouble. It didn't mean anything right? Right?!

"Oh! That was nothing!" Katherine said. She didn't exactly figure out how she would tell Josh she was coming over for dinner. Josh would probably have a heart attack. He made it very clear he didn't want them to be in the presence of his mother in less it was a life and death situation.

"Well, according to you never being late or skipping a class in your life-" Katherine's eyes widened at Josh's statement.

"How do you know that? Are you stalking me or something?" Certainly knowing something like that wasn't normal. Well, not that Katherine minded Josh researching her, it was more of her thinking it was a sweet gesture.

"No, well- look it doesn't matter!" Josh said turning slightly red. Is he blushing? Katherine thought Even if he was why? "I just wanted to know why you were gone. I kinda missed you." Was it Katherine or did Josh's face get more red?

"Look, don't be mad, but-um. Well I may have-sort of. How do I say this? I mayhavehadaconversationwithyourmomandI'mcomingtotheirroomwithyoutohavedinnertoday!" Katherine said very fast and started randomly laughing. "I think you should go." she then started pushing Josh out of the room and she was going for the door to close it-

"You what?!" Josh said moving his hand at a speed Katherine's never seen before making the door stop. Katherine couldn't tell if Josh was upset, confused, shocked, or all of the above.

"You caught all that?" Kat asked hoping Josh actually did, but he was a spy, for all she knew they could have a class that was over "Fast Talking decryption" or something. To her dismay however Josh slowly nodded. "Look I'm sorry, but I was having an actual conversation and I was enjoying it. I also didn't want her thinking I blew off the dinner."

"Kat I told her that you had something going on. I just wish you would have told me beforehand, so I could get prepared for death in about what to hours?" Josh looked to Kat who nodded. How he figured out that the dinner was going to be at 6:30 Kat didn't know.

"I know- I know you told her, but I didn't want to sound like some jerk. The part about me telling you? Why would I tell you?" Katherine said the last question with a little more anger. She just didn't understand their current relationship, if it was a relationship. They're technically together, so why would she have to tell Josh like someone would tell their boyfriend.

"You would tell me because it's my family Kat. You know that I don't have the best relationship with my parents, and I just assumed you would respect that. You should have asked my permission." Josh said, and if Katherine was analyzing what Josh was saying correctly, he was also getting a little angry and that's what made her burst. He didn't have a right to be angry. Did he?

"Tell you? Why would I tell you? Josh I don't need your permission! I'm not your girlfriend! I mean I don't even know what we are anymore!" Katherine took a few seconds to calm down and they just stood in silence for a few minutes.

The question was finally out now. What were they? Boyfriend and girlfriend? Friends? Acquaintances? Whatever it was, it was obvious they both weren't clear on the answer.


Wow!! First day back and I'm pretty sure this is the longest chapter I've written on wattpad ever!! I'm very excited to bring this story back!! I think I am going to start writing longer chapters because I find when I'm reading I enjoy longer chapter, so hopefully ya'll will too. Thanks again for the love and support. Comment if you have any questions and I'll try to answer you, or mark on the asterisks (is that how you spell it) for your ideas as I mentioned earlier. You can also DM me. I'm pretty sure you can do that, if not whoops??!!


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