Anything For The Shot (Larry OneShot)

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It's week four of Britain and Ireland's Next Top Model: Girls and Boys, and it is Louis Tomlinson's time to shine. It's been a struggle. He's not one of the Obviously Crafted By The Gods models, he's not the Diva model, he's not even the Underdog model. He figures he's got, like, a five percent chance of winning this thing, since he's been on the bottom once already. Usually he's okay with being on the bottom, but on national telly it's brutal. Because Louis must be the shortest model in history. Because Louis doesn't take directions well. Because Louis doesn't have an eight-pack. Because Louis has too many tattoos.

Mostly, because Louis' a bit of a dick until you get to know him. He thought this would come in handy - Lottie's told him the divas always last a while, and Louis' low bullshit tolerance makes him snappy. Then, during the first judging, Zayn goddamn biggest supermodel in the universe Malik told him to stop being a knobhead or no designer would want to work with him. So Louis adapted. He's an actor at heart, anyway, only got in the fashion industry because it's better money.

He's been on his best behaviour for three weeks, and actually got positive feedback on his change of attitude. Niall even told him last week over a pint that the judges genuinely liked him, they were just worried he didn't have what it took to compensate for his height. (Niall likes Louis best. It could be because Louis' the only one who bothered learning the cameramen's names. It could also be because Louis' the only one who eats junk food.)

So Louis works hard every day to prove that he does have what it takes. He has his strengths.

True, he's just scraping by the height requirement, but runway walk is all about confidence and Louis can be a fierce bitch when he wants to. It's all about context, he learns. When he's on a go-see or a photo shoot he has to be charming and mollified, but when he's up on the catwalk he's supposed to let out his attitude, my clothes are better than yours I look cooler than you and all that. He's learning.

True, the underwear shoot two weeks ago made him so self-conscious he might as well have been back in year ten, but he rocks the more athletic shoots. Hang him from a rafter any day and he'll sell your fashion.

And fine, maybe he doesn't always take directions well, but sometimes the cut of his cheekbones and what he can convey with his eyes are enough.

The point is that it's week four and things are actually looking up for Louis Tomlinson.

It starts with an ad campaign challenge for vegetables, of all things, and Louis sells the fuck out of some carrots. Even Liam, who can be a bit standoffish with the models, gives him a high-five for managing to sound like the queen while talking about the added value of greens. Louis makes sure to sound like a proper Northerner when he discusses Liam's directing of the commercial.

The next day they drive to some warehouse at arse-o'clock, and Zayn's here in all his quiffy glory (seriously, Jesus Christ, how can Louis be expected to take criticism from this demigod when he can't even breathe half the time, Lottie didn't tell him it would be this hard to be surrounded by supermodels, and isn't that cliché?).

"Are you ready for your first editorial shoot?" Zayn asks, and Louis positively perks up.

"Fuck yeah," he mutters, of course heard by everyone, because Louis is exceptionally loud even when trying not to be. It still doesn't taper his excitement. High fashion is his thing. He's still buzzing from the ad challenge and this is the best thing that could have happened today.

Zayn rolls his eyes at him and is probably about to say something cheeky when Liam puts a hand on Zayn's shoulder, visibly reining him in. Louis remembers falling into Top Model marathons with Lottie (occupational hazard of having ten million sisters) and her telling him "Zayn Malik and the director guy, Liam, are totally gay for each other." A quick Google search told him she's full of shit, but right now he's not so sure.

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