After a few moments, I've had time to recollect myself. I pull away some, before looking up at him. My hand resting on his upper arm before my other hand raises letting my fingers brush along his jaw. He winces slightly before tilting his head to the side. I let out a soft sigh, before my head tilts up more so I can continue looking up at him.

"Want to explain why you're here baby? Not that I mind, but you normally call and you had tears in your eyes when I opened up the door. Brayden called me you know. Said you might come over here. He said something about Stacia and Harry. But he told me to ask you about it." Zayn says, one of his arms moving, his hand tucking a strand of hair behind my ear. I blink before pulling away. I let Zayn lead me inside and into the living room.

Once we sat down, his hands are covering mine. I don't say anything at first just messing with his fingers, as he stays silent. I normally have control over my emotions but knowing that my best friend went behind my back and lied to me. Trying to break Zayn and I apart. He was there to comfort me, for what reason? I'm not quite sure. I just need to let the steam leave right now.

"Harry lied to me. Stacia and Harry faked those text messages they displayed out in prom. They wanted to break us up. I don't know why. I didn't get the far in the conversation with him. I told him to leave. I'm so sorry I didn't believe you when you told me you didn't do it. I feel awful because I should've believed you and now my emotions are everywhere and I just... I just want to cry because I feel like a bitch that I didn't believe you. That I didn't believe the one person who's been truthful to me from day one. I love you. So much." I state softly blinking back the tears, before taking in a deep breathe.

Everything is silent. I can hear his breathing, knowing he's just taking my words in. Maybe I messed up everything, by not trusting him. My hand squeezes his, I look up at him. My bottom lip trembles slowly, I'm shot to start crying. I know I am, my cheeks are getting hot and my heart is beating just a little faster.

"No. No. Don't cry princess. Hey, everything is going to be okay between us. I forgive you, alright? There's no need to cry." Zayn hurries to say, his hands pulling away from mine before his hands cup my cheeks making me look at him. I'm not sure why my emotions are everywhere but they are. Zayn's thumb rubs my cheek softly, before he leans forward pressing his lips to my forehead.

"I need you to calm down okay Es? Just breathe in and out. You aren't helping yourself in this situation. You're going to make yourself sick. I love you baby, that's never going to change." Zayn whispers softly, his eyes searching mine. I take in a breathe then release, to try to calm my racing heart rate.

"Now, tell me what happened but don't get yourself worked up alright? You were stumbling over words and I could barely understand you." Zayn says softly, causing me to nod slightly. I blink before taking in a deep breathe then releasing it. Zayn is here with me and everything should be alright. He says he loves me.

"Justine called me and said she saw Stacia and Harry speaking. So she sent Maya over there, because Justine and Harry broke up. Maya told Justine that they were talking about the prom incident and how they planned it. I confronted Harry on it, he lied to me then finally told me the truth. He told me that you don't deserve me. That I deserve someone better." I state quietly, getting my words out and straight out. My thoughts being straight instead of everywhere.

"I knew Stacia set me up. She's a bitch. I was trying to tell your brother but he kept pushing me. I'm sorry you got lied too, especially but your best friend. I bet the only reason he was doing that was so he could get with you. He didn't try anything did he?" Zayn asks, his hands moving to rest on mine again. His touch makes me so relaxed. But then I tense again as he asks me if Harry tried anything.

My Brothers Best Friend {Z.M}Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora