Part 5 Stop It Enough!

Magsimula sa umpisa

But then "hey Madz let me pay"Chloe insisted "no its fine" when suddenly someone sat next to me he removed my card and placed it in my bag he placedhis card in the check book and gave it to the waiter "thank you sir"the waiter said annoyed "sure" he said in a low tone voice that voice is familiar I looked at my right it was

"Zach?!....what are you doing here?" I asked my friends eyes were widened surprised Zach was eating a burger "I'm eating" "ummm excuse me who are you are you maddie's boyfriend?!" Kendall asked excited "KENDALL!!!" Chloe Paige and Nia shouted in unison Zach grinned "ummm no he's just-" "my friend" Zach cut me off "ohhh so that's why...thanks for paying our meal" Chloe muttured "no prob"his face muttured a huge smile I'm still confused why is he here?

The waiter gave his card back and stared coldly at him and left "woah what was that about?" He asked we just grinned "he likes Maddie..."Nia said we laughed "no way"I muttured they were laughing hysterically

After we left we were about to cross the street when we saw....Josh with his new girlfriend maybe he dumped his old obe then clinged to this girl he waved at Paige my heart pumped fast  at my left was Zach holing his milkshake I was still confused why his here tho and at my other side was Chloe next is Paige and Kendall

"Hey baby is she the one who almost got you suspended"his girlfriend muttured "yeah"he replied back "hey he is the one who cause himself trouble"Zach protested "so?" She muttured she walked infront of me I step back then suddenly SPLASH!!! She splashed her drink at me "Hey you moron!" Chloe attacked she pulled her hair "HEY  OW! That hurts!"the girl expressed as Chloe pulling her hair trying to grab Chloe's but she can't cause Kendall was holding her too

"Ohhh Madison are you alright here"he gave me is handkerchief and I got it and wiped my face he went to the girls and stop them Josh held his aggresivw girlfriend her bunbwas so messy her make up was a mess she looks like a clown Chloe and Kendall looks the same no clown make up nor messy hair they just laughed "thats what you get moron"Kendall muttured Nia laughed

Zach went to me and git a tissue he wiped the juice out of my hair  "you went to far bro it's your fault"Paige shouted at his brother "It's her fault,No its your fault,No its her fault,its your fault" Paige and Josh fighted

"Enough!...I can't take this pressure any longer"my friends Josh his girlfriend and Zach looked at me "And Josh I'm sorry if I caused you in trouble bit it's your fault in the first place and tell your bratty girlfriend to fix her clown make up its kinda disturbing" after I said that I walked pass them

Kendall's POV

Did Maddie just roast Ava Josh's new girlfriend "You just got Roasted girl!" Nia shouted we laughed "I hate you I'll report you to my Daddy!" She left then grabbed Josh's arms "I'll tell mom bro!" She shouted "Paigey I can explain later" he said as Ava was dragging him

"Daddy's girl!" Chloe shouted we laughed "I'mma help Maddie"Zach muttured "help her undress"Paige said sarcastically we all laugh "'ll lllook ffor hhher"Zach stated "we laughed "why shakey?" Chloe asked "nnothing" he said and ran to follow Maddie "I think he likes Madz" Chloe muttured "Maddie is a hard to get tho" I muttured "yeah but I just can't believe she can roast like that" nia muttured "and tell your bratty girlfriend to fix your make up cause it's kinda disturbing..." we laughed "she's a real savage girl"chloe muttured

"And I'm glad she's in our team" paige stated we smiled

Josh's POV

"It's all your fault"I keep thinking in my head what Maddie said while Ava is dragging me inside our school he pushed me in the locker madly I looked at her and woah Maddie is right she looks like a clown

"Why didn't you stand up for me you didn't even protected me you punk!" She said fixing her hair "you were the one that attacked her" I protested "ohhh so now your in her side?!" She stated "I'm not oicking sides it's just what you did was wrong how if I did that to you how if
I spilled some juice in your head wouldn't you be mad" I insisted

She looked at me then hugged my body I just stood there "I'm so sorry baby I just wanna get revenge" she muttured I removed myself from her grip "you know....were over" I said then left her

Author's note

Hi guys so Carly and Ford are just fictional characters and so the best part begins after this chapter....PEACE OUT!!!


Maddie Ziegler-Truly In LoveTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon