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neptune ; thanks for leaving me hanging

ethereal ; im sorry i got caught up

neptune ; oh sorry i forgot u had a life

ethereal ; r00d

neptune ; lol what r u ok

ethereal ; im fine thanks for asking

neptune ; fuck up lover boy

ethereal ; how is school hunny

neptune ; none of yo damn business boy

ethereal ; i was trying to be nice :(

neptune ; failed

ethereal ; why u so r00d to me

neptune ; ok where did u learn that

ethereal ; does it matter

ethereal ; don't answer that

neptune ; hmmm

seen at 9:12pm

ethereal ; hey baby blue

neptune ; oh and he's returned!

ethereal ; my brother came and started fucking with me. who even invented silly string.

neptune ; u have a brother?

ethereal ; yeah. twin

neptune ; is he better looking

neptune ; OK THAT WAS A JOKE

ethereal ; i caught on and he's not fyi

neptune ; how devastating. i wish i talked to him instead. i bet he's got better memes


neptune ; whatever helps u sleep at night fucker

ethereal ; stop h8in the playa

neptune ; no.

ethereal ; yes.

neptune ; so what's your brothers name again?

ethereal ; OKAY SORRY

neptune ; that's what i thought

ethereal ; speaking of names i still haven't got a hold of yours since ur insta doesn't give it away

neptune ; that stops creeps from finding me like u

ethereal ; :(

neptune ; lol

ethereal ; don't u lol me

neptune ; just did

ethereal ;  so, what's your name?

neptune ; neptune.

ethereal ;  i highly doubt that

neptune ; why? do u question my parents creativity with names?

ethereal ;  not for one second. i just think you have a pretty name to go with ur pretty face

neptune ; fuckboy HAS ARISED

ethereal ;  why do u hate compliments i'm being nice :(

ethereal ;  it's only cause i like u ;)

neptune ; highly doubt that

ethereal ;  stop fucking with me and tell me ur name

neptune ; is that what u say to every girl you talk to?

ethereal ;  it has a ring to it

neptune ; oh god GOTTA BLAST

ethereal ;  :(

neptune ; ha ha ha ha

ethereal ;  just tell me your name

neptune ; okay it's.....

ethereal ; ????

neptune ; n e p t u n e

ethereal ;  i'm never going to get it am i

neptune ; what a good guess!!!!

ethereal ; ill get it one day

neptune ; keep dreaming lover boy

ethereal ; only of you baby blue

seen at 10:48pm

NEPTUNE | ETHAN DOLANWhere stories live. Discover now