Chapter 10

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During my free period, I got a text from my therapist Mrs.J
Hi Omo, I just wanted to know how was your journal coming along. I hope that you are able to express your feelings as you are suppose to. A week from now I will need you to stop by my office so I can see how far along you are.
Alright, I'll be there. Thanks for checking up on me!
No problem🙂🙂

After that text I decided to write in my journal to make sure I don't waste time by the time I next meet with her.

Dear Diary,
The morning after, I heard Ray speaking to his parents. I was very scared on how they would react. I told myself before I went down stairs I would take a clean shower and wear some clothes. After I was finished getting dressed, Amina was still sleeping. So I just went downstairs. As soon as I arrived both of his parents looked at me. The nervousness in my bones got even worse. Ray came in and tried to cut that awkward moment of silence.
"Mom, dad, this is my girlfriend Omo. There's a lot I haven't told y'all because I wanted her to wake up so we could tell y'all together." Ray says as he grabs my hand for us to sit down on the couch across from his parents.
"Nice to meet you Omo, is that your full name?" His dad asks me.
"No, Omo is my nick name. My full name is Omoséfé." I said, pronouncing my name with an accent.
"How beautiful, where are you from?"
" I'm from Nigeria, but I've been living in Cali my whole life."
"So may I just ask what happened?" Says the mom.
"Of course." I say looking at Ray. "Basically I have a very abusive father. He always beats me, for no reason. Except this time there was kinda a reason. He found out that I was pregnant with Raymond's child. So he tried to kill my unborn baby, and then when my little sister tried to defend me he beat her as well. He was going to kill us.... So I.... I...." I said sobbing to the point where I couldn't finish my sentence.
"Keep going sweet heart it's okay." Said his mother.
"...I stabbed him and ran with my sister unsure if he is dead or not. I had no where to go, so I ran to Raymond."
"Okay, I understand where your coming from, but as his parents how do we know we could trust you?" His dad asks me.
"I'm a straight A student and I am captain of my dance team. Even though I was raised by an abusive man, he never thought me to be a liar. And lastly, Ray is the only guy I've ever been with and I am in love with him. You have to believe that."
"One last question, if it's not too personal. I want to know where was you're mother through all of this?" Asked his mother.
"She passed away when I was 5."
"I'm so sorry. Now Omo all we ask of you both is to give us time to think about it. This is a lot to take in and we already have to raise two kids on our own. But for the mean time you guys are welcomed to stay here until we come up with a decision. Did you guys bring anything from home?" She asked.
"No, only our clothes from yesterday."
"Alright, so how about we go to the mall today. And I'll buy you and your little sister some new clothes? Does that work for you?"
"Thanks for the offer, but I don't want you to waste too much money."
"Oh it's not a waste, and I take it back you have no option your going." She says smiling at me. For a second it felt like everything was going to be okay.

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