CHAPTER 15 | offer he can't refuse

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Without waiting, Simon exited the car, and stared at the armed guards, dressed all in black, dotted around the front of the house.

"It's just like the movies." He scratched his chin and grinned. "Leave the gun, take the cannoli."

Kaitlyn rolled her eyes at Simon's lame excuse for a Godfather impersonation. "Except in the movies, the bad guy doesn't change shape, shed hair and have the ability to rip a man's throat out in less than a heartbeat."

"What can I say, we don't like violence. Tom, I'm a businessman. Blood is a big expense—Hey!" Simon called out as he raced to catch up with Kaitlyn and Murphy. "Where are you going? I've got plenty more lines like that."

"Not to see Vito Corleone, that's for sure," said Kaitlyn.

"Fine then, suck all the fun out of life." He let out a dramatic sigh. "Alright then, let's go make him and offer he can't refuse."

Not wanting to encourage the very deluded immigrant, Kaitlyn ignored him and headed up the stairs. As they approached the door, two of the guards blocked their path.

Murphy flashed his F.B.I credentials. "I'm assuming you have a license for those?" he asked, indicating the Heckler & Koch submachine guns.

As much as she didn't want to admit it, Simon was right. They were poster children for the stereotype mob henchmen.

Murphy made a move to get past them, and they again blocked his path. The only warning they got, was a low growl before the first guard was tossed down the stairs like a sack of potatoes, and the second, was thrown over the nearby railing. Once he was done, Murphy stepped up to the door and pressed the doorbell.

Kaitlyn glance up at the security camera. "I don't know why we just don't go in. It's not as though he doesn't know we're here."

"I'm giving him a chance to put things away."

Kaitlyn peered through the thick glass panes that flanked the double doors. "I can't see anything, what things?"

"He's got cocaine out—a lot of it. If you see it, you won't be able to help yourself. You'll arrest him, and that's just going to make my job more difficult."

Kaitlyn suppressed a groan. This was going to be harder than expected. "Point taken." She fell silent and chewed on her bottom lip. "Just how much drugs do you think he's got in there?"

Murphy flashed her a warning look, and Kaitlyn knew better to push the point. While it was easy for Murphy to overlook the illegal nature of the Giordano crime family, it was a struggle for her. She had devoted her life to upload the law. Within a matter of a few weeks, she had turned a blind eye to kidnapping, murder, drug dealing, and extortion.

And now, here she was about to be involved in illegal arms dealing, a crime that carried a minimum fifteen-year sentence. Kaitlyn closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

At exactly what point did my life get so complicated?

They didn't need to wait long before Ambrose flung the door open with a sour expression as he glared at Murphy. "I hope you have a warrant."

Murphy pushed through past him. "We're not here on F.B.I business, and even if we were, there's enough probable cause to not require one."

"Well hello to you too." Ambrose turned back towards Kaitlyn and Simon. He moved to one side to allow them through. "How's your mother?"

Kaitlyn stiffened and followed Murphy, not able to look at the mafia don, in case she tasered him. "Fine, no thanks to you."

"How does he know your mother?" Simon asked in a whisper as he caught up to her.

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