"Looks more like you had no clue what was happening-yoi."

"I....ugh..did so know that Miss Sea Princess was thinking of the past! Hmff!" Thatch turned his head high and walked away, afraid of being his being caught off guard.

The Sea Princess and Marco watched as Thatch walked away with a small pout on his face and his head still held high. They were both holding back from laughing.

"It's been a while....Pineapple Haired Phoenix." Removing her focus off of the defeated Thatch, she looked up to Marco and smiled.

"Yeah, its been quite some time-yoi. Over ten
years, right?.....Here," Marco held a cup to the Sea Princess. Most likely full of some sort of alcohol.

"Marco, you know I usually don't-"

"C'mon, its like what Thatch said. It's a time for celebration for us-yoi. So take it." He held the cup out to her and she took it.

"What's there to celebrate?" Taking a swig, the Sea Princess looked back up to Marco.

"We gained new territory-yoi. Another island is under the protection and wellbeing of the Whitebeard Pirates!" The people on the deck who heard this gave a loud cheer.

"What a strong crew you've become." Looking down to the liquid in her cup, the Sea Princess smiled.

"Its actually thanks to a certain someone that convinced the island leaders to become a part of our territory-yoi. Interestingly enough you've actually already met him."

"Huh?" Looking up from the cup, she looked to Marco who had a natural smirk on his face. "...I've already met him?"

"Yeah you've already met him-yoi. Huh, ohh speak of the devil. Here he comes." Marco looked away from the Sea Princess. She followed his gaze and saw someone very familiar.

- Sea Princess' 1st Person POV-

"Fire boy," he walked towards me with a hand on the back of his neck and had a sheepish smile on his face.

"Hehe umm.. we meet again....." he froze. What happened next really surprised me. He bowed! "I'm sorry for my previous actions. I didn't realize that you were previously acquainted with oyaji. I attacked without thinking. I deeply apologize." He raised his head and looked down with that same sheepish smile.

"Umm, no it's fine. I had fun. You were entertaining." I couldn't help but to smirk at him. "Amazing you have the willpower to control the flame-flame fruit."

"How did you?" He looked at me with a surprised face.

"You don't think that an attack named 'Hiken' was a big indicator to which fruit you've eaten?....And this is a certain special fruit that you've acquired." I looked back down to my cup. Watching the liquid swirling. I thought back to those nine orbs that uncle said which would become special fruits. **Refer to end of chapter: Old Friends and......**

"You really like to think back to the past-yoi." That Pineapple Haired Phoenix poking fun at me!

"Well there's lots to think of!" I snapped. Oops, maybe it was a bit harsh for me to yell like that....

"Hey forget that past thinking just for tonight-yoi." He walked to me and poured more liquid into the almost empty cup in my hand. I can't be a drag to them. I barged in and disrupted the celebration they were having. They offered....so ill accept. Looking up to the Pineapple Haired Phoenix; I couldn't help but smile.

"All right, I'll party with you guys!" Chugging down the alcohol in the cup, I gave a nice ahh. Partying with my old friends will be fun. "Hey, Marco. I ran out." Holding my cup out it him, he got the message that I wanted more. Out of no where he pulled out another bottle of rum and poured more for me. "You said you wanted me to party. So then let's see if you can keep up."

"Heh, I can hold my own-yoi." He looked down at me with a smirk.

"We'll see about that."

-3rd Person POV-

The night continued with cheers from the friends. The Sea Princess easily fit into the drinks and games. As the night went on, people began to return to their cabins to rest for the night. Others were passed out in deck.

"Ahhh! It's been a while since I've drank like that!" She gave a nice relaxed smile and looked up. Thatch and another walked up to her and Marco who were sitting and drinking.

"Hey, Miss Sea Princess, is it even possible for you to get drunk?"

"That's a silly question Thatch. Of course I can get drunk. It just takes the amount of alcohol to make the Sea drunk." She took a long swig from her cup. "And Marco even invited me too drink with him. I couldn't say no to an old friend like Marco."

"Hehe has anyone ever seen the almighty Sea Princess drunk?" The Sea Princess put a finger on her chin and thought.

"Yeah, there's one person who's seen me drunk." She looked up to Whitebeard who was sitting on his seat.

"Gurararararara!!! My sons I warn you. This lass becomes a beast while under the influence of alcohol."

"Ehhhh?! Oyaji you're the one who's seen her drunk? Wow. Now I wanna see what Miss Sea Princess' like when she's drunk. *Huff* maybe that's for a different night I'm ready to hit the hay. You coming Ace? See you again Miss Sea Princess!" The two of them walked away to their cabins for a good rest after the partying they did. Marco had gotten up to the crow's nest to keep watch for any ships that might cause trouble for the crew. Now it was just the Sea Princess and Whitebeard, as well as the people who had passed out on deck.

"Lass, join us."

Hey everyone! It's been like ummm....some time and I'm sorry for that!! After graduation I've gotten a little break. I can officially say that I'm now done with highschool!!!! The really busy time for me is coming tho....I'm doing this summer program at my college...soo I'm basically starting college in July!! I'll really try my best to write some more in any free time I have!! **hint** if you comment and vote that may inspire me to write more!! Much love to you all!!

The Princess of the Seaजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें