An adverure begins

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Disclaimer: Pictures and videos are NOT mine!! I own only my story and characters.

In the Captain's quarters the commanders were all gathered together having a short meeting.

"Hey Marco, where's Thatch? He's late."

"We'll just start before he comes-yoi."

The commanders as well as Whitebeard himself were gathered to decide which commander the Sea Princess would be under. Whitebeard's presence during this meeting wasn't needed. He joined in because he thinks it'll be 'entertaining'. As the commanders sat down and settled, Izo was the first one to speak up.

"I'd love to have her as a part of my division, but she seems like a hand to hand combat girl. Kingdew? Your division's strength is in hand to hand isn't it."

"Hmmh hand to hand, salt, sea, her hand to hand seems to be like a devil fruit with that salt power of hers. It would be interesting to have her be under the person she fought, right Ace?"

"Huh? What me?! I um....Jozu?" Flustered at what to say he turned to the stoic man.

"Hmm" Jozu, with his arms crossed turned his head slowly towards Ace and smirked. Ace put his head down, defeated...he had just been betrayed.

"Oh! We want her. The twelfth division wants her!"
Haruta exclaiming this almost standing from his seat.

"Heh, then what? She'll join your division and learn to wield a sword? The twelfth and fifth are similar. My members specialize with blades like yours, Haruta. Unfortunately, our divisons don't match her style. Weapons aren't a good fit for her." Haruta glared at Vista.

"Hmmf...Well it's not like we don't use hand to hand...she'll just perfect that first then learn to wield a sword!"

Further arguments continued among the commanders. Whitebeard was correct to sit in while the commanders disputed which division the Sea Princess would join. He sat listening with a smirk. It was certainly amusing to see the commanders so diverged among one another. 

                                  • • •

What was supposed to be a short meeting had stretched for more than half of the night. Thatch has yet to show up and many of the commanders sat with their heads resting on their hands.

"Hey, when's this meeting gonna end?" Blenheim looked up from the table with bored eye.

"Yeah, since we can't decide, let's let Marco take care of her."


"Oyaji?" Surprised with the sudden outburst of laughter, all head turned to Whitebeard.

"My sons, this meeting was as I thought. You all are always so lively. Let it be. Let the lass join with Marco." Seeing as their captain has resolved where the Sea Princess would be placed, relief replaced the bored eyes. This meant the meeting was coming to an end. For good measure, the commanders had one last vote which no one objected.

It had been unanimous that the Sea Princess would be under Marco of the first division.

As the meeting came to the end, the door slammed open.


"Oh look who decided to show up-yoi."

"Hey Thatch!"

*huff* *huff* "I WANT MISS SEA PRINCESS!" Conversations stoped and the commanders all looked at Thatch.

"Sorry Thatch, It's already been decided. She's part of Marco's division now."

"What?! I'm too late?" His head lowered, and he began mumbling. Commanders nearby could make out him saying that his division's a good match for her and why with that blue turkey.

The commanders couldn't help snickering as they passed Thatch to leave. Thatch looked up as he felt a hand slap his shoulder. A person stopped in front of him.


"Cheer up, we couldn't decide so Oyaji spoke up and put her with Marco." A smile appeared on Thatch's face.

                                  • • •

The next day

It was early morning and the Moby Dick was already bustling with activity.

The Sea Princess was on duty to clean the deck along with her fellow mates of the first division.
As she was finishing to clean her section of the deck a tap on her shoulder broke her rythme.

"Yes?" She curiously looked up to a brunette. He was tall, his hair was tied back with a red bow. Two teardrop emerald earrings hung from his left ear, that same emerald matching his eyes. He wore typical pirate garb, a white shirt which exposes part of his chest, around his neck was a silver chain with a cross, a red sash around his waist with a saber loosely hanging, and brown trousers and boots.

"Um Marco called for you."

"Oh, thank you for letting me know." She set her mop down and began to walk to what she could assume was a navigation room.

"Oh, and," Pausing, she turned. "Welcome to the crew, and to the first division. My name's Charles."

"It's nice to meet you Charles. I look forward to the future adventures!" She waved, and headed to where Marco was.

*knock* *knock*

"Enter." The Sea Princess came into a small room where Marco and Whitebeard were. In front of the pair was a large table with maps and navigation tools sprawled out.

"You called for me Marco?"

"Ah yeah-yoi. We're approaching an island soon and the first and fifth divisions are going to stock up on supplies and do further exploration. We've planned this before you joined, so you wouldn't have known-yoi."

"Wow, exploration already? I'm exited to go."

"We'll need to be a little wary, this island isn't a part of our territory-yoi. It's not a military base either so we should be fine." She gave a nod.

"My son, this lass will fare fine with your division."

As Marco prepared to respond, a knock caught his attention.

"Enter." A burly man walked in with a telescope under his arm.

"We're approaching Agrodi and we are preparing to dock."

"Alright." He walked to the door and looked back to the Sea Princess. "Let's go-yoi."

As the three reached the deck, the Sea Princess and Marco joined the cluster of people part of the first division.

"An amazing sight isn't it Miss Sea Princess." She felt an arm rest on her head. She looked up to see Charles smiling down to her. She would have been surprised, but his presence easily gave himself away. One would think this action would be done by Thatch.

"Yeah, it is." The island was in sight, and the Sea Princess couldn't help but feel a bit giddy. It had been some time since she had even done anything with a pirate crew. What future awaited her now that she's part of the Whitebeard Pirates.

Hello my dear readers!! Woooww an update in less than like a gazillion years?!!! Yup! Just happened to stay up really late today. I used this chapter as an introduction to the adventures Miss Sea Princess would have. I also gave her a friend other than the OG Whitebeards. I'll find a pic of Charles and put it in the next chapter! Hope you all like my crappy writing and this update!! is frickin hard....well I'll see you lovelies in the next one

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