(Skylar's P.O.V)
I go downstairs and find the scissors, a knock on the door distracting me. I put the scissors on the table in the foyer, unlocking the door and opening it, shocked to see Emery standing there.
"Emery? What are you doing here?" I ask, looking at him.
"I need to talk to you." He says, his voice soft, not like it usually is.
"Um, can this wait?" I ask, looking over my shoulder.
"No. I really need to tell you something." Emery says, making me sigh.
"Okay. But.-" I start but he cuts me off.
"Just let me talk." He says and I nod, standing in silence.
"Okay so I know I've been a total ass and I'm so sorry. I just don't know how to control my emotions." He says and I look at him.
"What do you mean?" I ask curiously.
"Skylar, I love you." Emery says helplessly and I hear Ricky come down the stairs.
"You're what?!" Ricky asks walking to me, putting his hand on my back.
"You didn't tell me he was here!" Emery says, pointing at Ricky.
"You didn't give me a chance to." I say, looking at him.
"Explain this to me." Ricky says, glaring at Emery.
"Dude, I can't. I don't know how to describe love!" Emery says, backing up against the now closed doors.
"She's mine." Ricky snaps, this new side of him catching us both off guard.
"I know but I can't help it! She's hot! What do you expect?" Emery says and I see Ricky tense up.
"Ricky. Calm down." I say, grabbing his wrist gently, trying to make him relax. Emery shifts his weight and Ricky clenches his fists.
"Ricky. Hey, look at me." I say softly, putting my hand on his cheek gently, his whole demeanor changing instantly as he looks at me.
"Awww look at that, you turn into such a softie. It's no wonder she loves you." Emery taunts, making Ricky tense up again.
"Emery, shut it." I say to him, looking back at Ricky.
"Don't listen to him." I say softly, making him nod.
"Yeah, listen to your little girl." Emery laughs. I see the anger snap inside Ricky. Before I can react, he lunges at Emery, punching him right in the jaw.
"Ricky!" I say, pulling on his shirt. He drops his arms and walks away, Emery holding his jaw.
"You need to leave." I tell Emery.
"Me?! Make him leave!" Emery groans, standing straight up and glaring at Ricky.
"No! He was here first. Not to mention he doesn't make rude comments about me." I say, making Emery groan. Ricky comes up behind me, putting his hand on my hip, glaring at Emery.
"Don't say that about my girl. Ever again." Ricky warns, Emery half laughing.
"Don't tell me what to do." Emery smiles, making me sigh.
"Okay, so you apparently 'love me' don't you?" I ask, making Emery nod.
"Then leave." I say, making him look at me confused.
"Why?" Emery asks sounding hurt.
"Just do what she said." Ricky says, walking into the living room, Emery running after him. I try to stop him but he's too strong for me.
"You ass." I hear Emery mumble, right before he punches Ricky, knocking him to the ground. I run in front of Emery, standing over Ricky.
"Don't touch him." I snap, putting my hand on his clenched fist.
"Leave." I demand, pushing him back slowly.
"I'm sorry." He apologizes.
"It's too late for that." I shake my head, opening the door and nudging him.
"I'll make it up to you." Emery says, looking at me.
"Don't bother." I say, slamming the door on him. I walk back over to Ricky who's still on the floor.
"I'm so sorry." I say, tears filling my eyes as I pull him up.
"It's not your fault baby." He says quickly, wrapping his arms around me.
"Yes it is." I cry, looking at the floor.
"How?" Ricky asks softly, rubbing my back slowly.
"It's because of me. All I do is cause trouble between the two of you." I sniffle, laying my head on his chest.
"It is not your fault, baby. Please don't blame yourself. I'm okay. I swear." He says, kissing my forehead gently. I nod and put my arms around his waist, cuddling into him.
"You're my girl and he needs to be put in his place." Ricky says softly, putting one hand on the back of my neck gently.
"I know, but he had no right to hit you." I say, looking up at him without moving.
"Let's just forget about that. Let's have fun. Just us." He says, making me nod slowly.
"Okay." I agree, making him smile.
"I love you." He says, making me look up at him.
"I love you too." I say smiling, leaning up, kissing him gently. He kisses back, a smile appearing on my face, causing us to pull away.
"Go pick a movie. Wait, get this damn tag off of me first." He says, making me laugh again. I go get the scissors and walk over to him, cutting the tag out of the back of his pants.
"Thank you." He smiles, taking the scissors and tag from me, disappearing into the kitchen. I smile to myself and walk over to the video cabinet, picking my favorite movie of all time, Aladdin, yes Aladdin. I go down the hall and open the closet door, getting the fluffiest blanket and shutting the door, walking back down the hall, the smell of popcorn filling the air. I put the blanket on the couch and I walk into the kitchen.
"I got it, babe." Ricky smiles, walking past me into the living room. I giggle and follow him, turning the lights off and walking to the couch, sitting down next to him. I spread the blanket over us and he puts the popcorn in his lap. I cuddle into his side, putting my arm around his waist and laying my head on his shoulder. He plays the movie and shares the popcorn with me. He wraps his arm around my back, drawing random shapes on my hip, a small smile coming to my face. I cuddle closer to him, sighing happily, his soft chuckle making me smile bigger. He kisses my forehead softly, grabbing my hand in his free one.
"I love you." He says softly.
"I love you too." I smile, kissing his cheek gently, both of his arms finding their way around my waist tightly. I smile and start to get tired, eventually giving in and closing my eyes, falling asleep in his arms. exactly where I wanted to be.

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