Chapter Two

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                  As I closed my locker I saw Alfonzo leaning against the locker next to mine trying to look cool. Alfonzo was that annoying kid you know since elementary school and you just don’t want to be a jerk too. He was like a mini Mr. Caraballo. The same smile, character, personality, hell! They even looked similar. I swear they were related.

“Hey mami” he said.

“Not now Alfonzo, I’m not in the mood” I replied in Spanish walking away.

He grabbed my arm and pulled me close to him, the smell of his hair gel and cheap cologne invading my nostrils and whispered in my ear “Don’t walk away while I’m talking to you, bitch”

I leaned in to him, almost like I was going to kiss him and whispered very quietly “touch me again and I’ll rip your fucking dick off” and I kneed him in the balls. He fell on the ground clutching his member and I stepped over him as if nothing had happened.

I saw Tammy on my way out of school and caught up with her.

“Hey.” I said to her once I reached her.

“Hey, Marilyn.” She said.

“I did Mrs. Padrigone’s homework in study hall and wanted to give it to you now. Is that okay?”

“Yeah, it’s fine. Thanks a lot. I was sort of worried that you weren’t going to pull through.”

“No, I always keep my word.” I said as I pulled off a strap of my school back and moved it to my side I found Mrs. Padrigone’s homework and handed it to her.

She said thanks and we walked together for a while until it was time for us to part ways. We left each other with a simple see you tomorrow. I looked at my phone, it was 3:00. Too early to go home. I decided to go to the book store.

                  It took about 30 minutes to walk over to the book store, with a quick stop at Deedee’s to see if the mystery man was there with no luck I continued to the book store. I browsed around for a little and found nothing of interest and left.

                  I got home at about 4:30 or 5-ish. I did some chores and sat at the table to start on some of my homework. I was about to start reading my chapter for AP Human Geography when I got a phone call.  It was Amy, she sounded excited. I don’t know what gave it away her lack of breath or the fact that she was squealing in my ear.

“Oh My God, Oh My God, OH MY FUCKING GOD!” she squealed.

“What, what’s wrong?” I said.

“One…. Direction…. in town….radio station…..this month!” she said breathlessly.

“So you’re telling me that One Direction is in town this month because the radio station is having a special with them every week this month?”

“Yes. Wait? You understood me; we’ve been friends too long.” She stated.

“aha, yeah tell me about it. But what importance does this information have to me?”

“Zayn is in one direction!” she said excitedly.

“Okay, that doesn’t mean the guy I saw at Deedee’s was him.” I said

She started to go on and on about how pessimistic I was and how guys didn’t like that and after about 5 minutes of that I drowned her out and started doodling on my paper. It made me laugh because it reminded me of the guy at the coffee shop this morning. After an hour of Amy yapping my ear off I made some excuse up about having a ton of homework to do, which was somewhat true.

                  I finished my homework quickly. It was 7:30, my mom was at work and my dad was probably working too and wouldn’t be home ‘till later. I made some spaghetti o’s in the microwave and ate them while watching Wizards of Waverly Place re-runs on Disney Channel. 

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