Oprah interview

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I watch this so many times I lost count, first I loved the look he had. The do me baby performance and sleep around performance was the highlight. High energy and it got me moving. This when I started to love the song sleep around. This interview showed the strain relationship with his father. It's heartbreaking because he just sounded like he really wanted that relationship to be better. I loved seeing him and Mayte, but to know their child was already gone just hurts,then they showed that play room. It was clear Prince was preparing for that child and I can seeing him not wasting no time when he found out a child was coming. I know Prince would have spoiled that child. Mayte would have been in a battle to have time with that child lol that child wouldn' t have left prince's side. 

I was surprise when he brought up that he didn't know the sex of the other side of him. made sense when I thought about it more. When Oprah was in her feels when he played the song let's have a baby, I didn't know what to make of it, this interview I believe was the first time I saw that picture of him as a baby, too cute. When Oprah asked him about how much he talked about sex. I understood when he said it was part of the journey and that he wrote thousands of songs. This was a good point because one thing you can't say about Prince is that he only wrote about sex, that's far from true. I loved his studio B blue lights, Oprah thought it was" very interesting" , but I got the meaning.

Loved whenever his sense of humor showed like when Oprah said " seems like you grown". He said" No, I'am the same height". This is when I found out that he loved his sexy Mf outfit. Did you  hear how low his voice dropped when he said " yeah , I wear that again". That's when it clicked with me, oh yeah, he had that in other colors. I didn't know he played at John John 's wedding, so that was new info. Oh, and when Oprah first met him and said " oh, your pretty, your pretty .  It made me laugh because it was like she was saying WHY DIDNT SOMEONE TELL ME PRINCE WAS PRETTY.   All in all I enjoyed the interview.

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