Chapter three - Don't underestimate us

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The boys stood in silence around me as I sketched the last part of Kuroko's stats. Genta is quiet since I had snapped at him for being as ass hole; yelling at our team is not going to help the achieve anything. "Ano. . . So what are we going to do?" Kobori asked, being the first one to speak up. "You all pushed very hard in the first quarter which in by no means was I surprised by this." I commenced as I handed my sketch pad to Himuro. "Kagami - San has calmed down and now that this has happened, their plays are going to be more refined. Our eyes should not only lie on him but on Kuro - Kun as well. Aida - Senpai is surely going to mix the two of them together, making them work as a unit instead of individuals. They are going to try and trick you the most Kii - Kun so please watch your surroundings more." "Should we keep our formation then?" Kasamatsu asked. I leaned around our captain and flicked Kise's ear as he wasn't paying attention. "Wake up. I get that you guys are a strong team but don't go blatantly assume that our opponent is weak because Seirin isn't. They have something that you don't." I stood then stood in front of them. They looked at me and then at them and they obviously couldn't see what I am talking about. "Heart. I haven't been with you guys for all that long but when I watch Seirin I can see the determination and their love of the game. You guys love it too and I can't say that you don't because I see it in you too. As your coach I want to bring our team closer together as a unit and be very clear that I am going to change this team. It is not going to be like the years prior. Do what you think is best this round, I am not going to instruct you this time, but by our next game this is going to be different." The referee blew his whistle, signaling for the teams to make their way back out onto the court. I was all fired up at the beginning of the game, but after watching the first period, I realized that I have to step up to the plate and make this team better as I know they can be. I was mad at Kagami because of what he said to me, but in my spite I have been hating on Seirin as a whole. They are my rivals yes, but in order for us to beat them we need to understand how they work. "That was good of you to say. They needed to hear that." Himuro said as the game resumed. "You see it too?" The boy nodded and then folded my sketch pad closed. "They are good individual players, but right now they are not playing as a team." I laughed and watched as Kuroko and Kagami had tricked Kise. "Yosen I am sure plays similarly to how Kaijo plays though." "I can't deny that." I want to watch Yosen play, maybe Himuro could take me to one of their practices. Murasakibara has told me that Yosen is full of tall guys that sweat and run around. I had laughed at this because he is one of them himself. Murasakibara has never been too interested in basketball and the only reason why he plays is because he is good at it. Although I am sure he loves the game, he just doesn't like to say so. . .

"Kise!" I yelled, snapping out of my thoughts. The blond cat had turned to chase after Kagami in his frustration and knocked Kuroko with his elbow. "Time out!" The referee yelled. I rushed forwards and bent down by Kuroko, holding a handkerchief to his head. "I'm fine." He said to me as he ruffled my hair. "You are not fine, Kuroko. None of this is fine." I replied as I bent my head down a little. I want to end this game here and now. Both teams are too riled and I don't think I can stand another injury. "You're doing your best. This is the first time you've been part of a team, but your leadership is already beginning to influence both Seirin and Kaijo. You'll be fine." Kuroko said as he wrapped one of his arms around my shoulder. I heaved him up and over to Seirin's bench. Kuroko is always like this, making me feel better when I am a my worst. "I apologize for this. It shouldn't have happened." I said to Aida as Koganei took him from me. "Let's just play the rest of this game and we'll talk after. This was just an accident." I smiled then turned to look back at my team. "I am giving you one minute to change into your uniforms, let's go!" "Yes!" The boys cheered as they stripped off their uncomfortable suits. I have been taking this job unseriously, as a gang leader I need to be able to do simple tasks like this. As the coach of this team, I need to step things up.

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