Part 4

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Those seven words of hers hit me right in the stomach. I stand up quickly, throwing the blankets off me. I already have zipped up my pants when she starts to speak again.

"Aaron where are you-"

"I can't." I cut her off

"Believe after everything. After I told you I loved you, and put my self out there, all you still care about is Adam." I spit the words out like bile. I throw my shirt on and start out the door.

"Aaron no. wait!"

"Did you think it would be fun you little whore. Did you think it would be fun to break the bastard to do your bidding. To have him stumble after you so in love he can't think straight. Well I'm done I won't play this little game of yours. My father was right, love is weakness. I should of just let him kill you right there in that house. Watch you bleed out all over the carpet, watch the life leave your eyes." Hurt flashes across her face, and tears start to stream down her cheeks. I don't care, I turn and walk out slamming the door behind me. Fuming I go around the corner and slump against the wall, the anger slowly fading away. I can't believe I called her a whore.

"God dammit" I whisper slamming my fist against the wall. I always screw things up.


(Two hours later) I hear foot steps and a door creak open. I lift my head out of my hands.

"Juliette" he whispers. I have no idea how he got down here. The guards surely should have stopped him.

"Adam?" she whispers back. The fact that she sounds so hopeful, angers me. It takes all my self control not to jump out and kill him.

"Castle wants to talk to you." Well that explains how he got down here. Juliette must have nodded her approval, because a few seconds later she is exiting her room. And god, she looks so amazing in that suit. As she walks by she glances down at me, with a look full of hurt and anger. I jump up and I run to her, using her lips to stop me. And she's kissing me just like the night before, then she pulls back.

And slaps me.


I recoil.

"I probably deserve that." I say out loud. I look over my shoulder and Kent is fuming.

"How dare you!" she practically yells at me.

"How dare you, make me feel like a fool, then come back and kiss me!"

"Juliette..." I stammer

"You know what Warner? I don't want to hear it! She quickly pivots and walks away, and I'm stuck in the middle of the hallway looking like a complete and total moron.

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