Chapter 8

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This chapter is going to be a little different and changed up, should be fun!


Luna's mother:


A mother carries a young baby in her arms. She was poor, to poor to care for a baby. And she was young, 19, she did not have the time to devote to raising something as precious and fragile like a baby. She looked at the small child who was sleeping. She was beautiful little girl, with long eyelashes and short black hair. The best part bout the baby was its small birthmark next to her eye. It was in the shape of a crescent moon. It had only been a day since she had given birth to the child but she knew she could not keep it.

The house she had decided on was a nice small cottage in the woods. She had been watching the family the past week or so just to be sure they would be the right ones when the baby came. It was a nice family, a father and mother and a young boy. The little girl would live a good life with them she knew it. She laid the baby down wrapped in two tight wool blankets to keep her extra warm. She kissed the baby one last time before turning around and walking away, a single tear slid down her cheek.


Luna's adopted mother:


A women hears a small cry that wakes her from her sleep, the cry of a baby. She looks confused and got up to make sure it wasn't just a TV that was making the noise. She looked at her own and it was off. She quietly got out of bed being sure not to wake her husband or son who was in the other room. She went into the living room and the cry grew louder. She looked at the TV in there, it was also off.  She then realized where the cry was coming from, outside. She opened her front door and laying on the porch was a small bundle of a baby. The women looked around but there was no one there. She picked up the baby softly and held in close. She bounced it up and down gently to calm its wails outside. She then took one last look around and brought the baby inside closing the door behind her.


Luna's adopted mother a few years later


The women was starting to notice strange things about the little girl they had acquired over 2 years ago. She was different then any child she had ever seen. Her biological son, Tanner, was a very sweet and funny four year old boy, but her adopted daughter, Luna, as she had named her, was only 2 and already passing her older brother up with abilities. At the age of 4, Tanner who was in preschool, was still speaking in short sentences with improper grammar. But Luna could already speak in longer sentences than her brother. She could also write her name, sure it wasn't neat but it was her name and even now Tanner still made mistakes when writing his name. The little girl was special. She was different. The women had been looking up things on the Internet all day trying to figure out why her adopted baby was so smart. She watched as Tanner ran in circles and Luna sat down making a large even tower out of blocks.

"Tanner, stop running please!" She said quietly.

Tanner stopped and looked at his sister. "Don't twell me what to do!"  He spat at her and then walked up and slammed his foot into her block tower. 

Luna sighed and brushed her short black hair out of her face and began rebuilding her tower.

The women gave up and went to go sit back down near her kids.


Luna: 8


Luna began to realize she was a smart girl around the age of 7, now 8, She was doing math and reading on a 5th grade level and was only in 3rd grade. Her mother had thought about having her skip a grade or two but she did not want Tanner feeling bad or having to make Luna leave all of her friends. Luna had just nodded and said 'Okay that's fine' She didn't really mind.... Now she sat in her piano lesson and stroked the keys with ease. She loved to play,  it had always just came natural to her, it was something she knew better than anything. It was her world, her escape. At the age 7, Luna moved on from toys and dolls and started to spend her time playing the piano or reading or writing stories. She did not do much playing anymore. Her older brother Tanner did not speak to her much anymore. She wasn't sure why, he could not possible be jealous of her. 

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