Chapter 7

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This chapter is dedicated to Hajj98 because he is one of my favorite writers on here and he is just amazing! Thanks for writing Hajj98!


Zee's eyes opened and she quickly realized gathered around her was Grant, Tanner, and Luna. 

"Zee are you okay?" Grant asked.

"Yeah, how long was I out for?" Zee asked them as she sat up with Luna's help. 

"10 minutes." Grant said.

Zee stood up. 

"Are you okay now?" Tanner asked her. 

Zee nodded. "Yes I'm fine, I know where we need to go now."

"How can you be so sure?" Tanner asked.

"I had a dream." Zee said simply.

"So you had a dream and now you magically know where to go?" Tanner asked giving Zee a look like she was crazy.

"I'm not crazy!" Zee spat. "I know where I am going, follow me or don't!" She said and began to walk in the direction the little girl brought her. She could hear Luna's footsteps behind her. Grant shrugged and followed her to. Tanner sighed and then followed.


Brody was tossed back into the cell so quickly that Micah didn't even have time to think about stopping the door or anything. He looked at Brody sadly. his left eye was red and puffy, his cheek bruised. Worst of all he could see blood staring to stain his shirt around a wound in his right arm. 

"A-are you okay," Micah asked.

Brody did not respond, but reached over pulling Micah into a hug. Micah wrapped his arms around Brody. It was a few minutes before Brody said anything. "Micah, we have t get out of this hell hole." Brody said. "Were going to escape." Brody's hazel eyes had a look of determination on them.

"No were not." Micah said. "Not yet at least."

Brody turned to face Micah, he looked confused. "What do you mean?" He asked.

Micah shrugged. "I have this feeling Zee knows where we are."

Brody shook his head. "How can you be so sure?" He asked.

"I just know." Said Micah simply.


Zee's memory of the dream she had was already beginning to fade and she was having trouble remembering land marks that she had spent so much time taking in when she was having the dream. Everything looked unfamiliar and strange. She was not even sure she was going the right way anymore. She was relying on luck and what she did remember from her dream to guide her to her brother. Zee looked around as she came to an opening in the forest. Multiple large rocks were around the clearing and a large oak tree. Zee nodded. "This is it!"

Tanner didn't seem so sure. "I don't see anything!" Tanner spat.

Zee looked around the ground and knelled down to where she thought the opening should be. She touched the ground and waited for it to part, as it had done with the little girl but nothing happened. Zee sighed and did it again. Nothing happened. Zee slammed her fists on the ground. "Why isn't it working!" She yelled.

"She's crazy!" Tanner yelled. "What are you waiting for!"

"The ground, it needs to part! It's supposed to part!" Zee said.

Luna shook her head. "Tanner, she is not crazy!" Luna said.

Tanner groaned and looked at Zee. "Look at her! She is sitting on the ground hoping that it will miraculously move apart!"

Zee closed her eyes so tears wouldn't stream down her face. She felt like her whole world was crashing around her. Why couldn't she do it? Why wouldn't it work. She needed this to work. What she saw could not be a dream, it had to be real. She knew it was real. She had to be there for Micah    . If she wasn't there for him no one would be there for him.

"Try one more time!" Luna encouraged her.

Zee concentrated hard on the ground. One last time, she told herself. I will try it one last time. Zee closed her eyes and touched the ground gently. She thought about her dream, the young girl with the ginger hair, what she said, how the ground had parted. All of it, hoping that maybe she just might be able to do what the little girl did. Suddenly she felt the ground move and she opened her eyes and looked at the hole that was starting to open. She stood up, backing away quickly so she wouldn't fall in. She smiled in delight as the ground stopped moving and the hole was open.


Micah heard a loud noise from above them and stuck his head on the cell bars to see where it was coming from. At the end of the hall way light started to flood in, filling the dark hallway with light. The large bright light brought more then the brightness, it brought another thing with it, it brought hope. The light at the end of the tunnel. Micah's sadness faded. Any Hope was better than none. He prayed that whoever was coming in was here to help him and not hurt him. He looked back at Brody.

"I told you they would come!" Micah said.

Brody stood up and came to look to, his face showed anticipation and a bit of hope.



This chapter was short but I have an idea for the next chapter and I want to start it!

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