Chapter 4

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Zee raced away from the people as fast as she could. Tears formed under her eyes but she wiped them away. Her blonde hair was flowing in the breeze as she ran. She reached the edge of the forest and climbed up a tree with low hanging branches.

People started to gather in the forest and she heard the screams of the people calling for her. They were screaming her name. Why were they looking for her so frantically? Zee was worried and confused. Micah had disappeared and she wanted to know where he was.


The man who had brought Micah to the station opened the door and Micah unbuckled and stepped out of the car. The man put his hand on Micah's shoulder and Micah walked with him for a second then he turned around and started to run.

"HEY!" The cop screamed as he started to run after Micah.

Micah was running as fast as his small legs could take him. Keeping his feet in a pattern, Keep going, don't stop. Micah quickened his pace hearing the screams after him. Suddenly he felt a hard shove and he fell face first into the cement. The man put his foot on top of Micah's back.

"Got ya!"

Micah looked up, the man was different from the one who had brought him here. He was verytall and had shaggy brown hair that hung just above the eye brows. It was the same man from last night. Micah's heart dropped as a smile lit up on his face. Micah became aware of his knee which stung badly and looked down at his leg seeing a small pool of blood beginning to form around his knee.

The other cop that had brought Micah here caught up and looked at the tall man. "I will take him into the station sir." Said the officer.

The tall man shook his head. "No need," then he pulled out a black hand gun and pulled the trigger on the other police officer.


It had been nearly an hour since Zee had climbed up the tree. She hoped that the people were gone and that she could climb down now. She softly slid down the tree and hit the forest floor. Hunger made walking hard. She didn't even know where she was going but she wasn't going to stick around here and wait to starve. She had a few priorites.

1. Eat

2. Find some people to help her.

3. Find Micah.

She had no clue where he was or even where to start but she knew if she could find someone to help her it would be a lot easier. As she was walking she saw a piece of paper on the ground. She raced towards it and picked it up. On the piece of paper her and her brothers school pictures were printed at the top below that in large font was the word WANTED. Zee's jaw dropped as she began to read the rest.

Princess Charlotte Frayley also known as Zee and Prince Micah Frayley of Trigold REWARD 1 million dollars.

Zee dropped the piece of paper. Who was princess Charlotte? She was no princess! She had been living with her normal parents ever since she could remember. Even if she was a princess why would someone be looking for her and Micah?


Micah gasped as the bullet pierced the other officers chest. He pushed the tall mans foot off his body to turn and look. At first he thought the bullet was meant for him. Now he wished it had been. The man fell to the ground and mumbled something as blood started to seep through his clothes. The tall man whispered a bad word but grabbed Micah and slung him over his shoulder.

"Now you know whats coming to you if you don't cooparate kd." He spat as the tall man bgan to walk towards the woods. Micah couldn't stop staring at the man who layed dead on the ground. Tears streamed down his face and for once he knew what they were dealing with was not something they could handle alone.

The tall man kept walking as they came upon a small clearing in the woods. A large black van sat in the middle and just beyond a dirt road curved to where he could not see in the woods. Another man came out of the van as the tall man stood near the van and was holding Micah tightly. The other man became familiar as he got closer. His tan skin, the one they noticed even in the dark. He had jet black hair and dark copper eyes that looked as if they in themselves could swallow you whole.

The tan man forcefully grabbed Micah from the tall man and started to tie him down with rope. Micah was shaking and tears were still falling from his eyes.

"Aww poor baby," The tan man said in a mocking tone. "You want to go home and cuddle with your mommy don't you? Well get this 'prince' your mom is dead and your not going back! The place your going you were gonna wish you were dead."

What's up with them all calling me prince?  He wondered. "I already wish I was dead." He whispered to himself only. The tan man slipped a grey bag over his head and opened the back of the van tossing Micah inside.


Zee didn't even know where to start looking for someone to help her. She felt as if the whole world was against her and she didn't even know why. She just walked and walked and grew tierd. Suddenly she heard a rustle in the bushes and then a voice.

"Hey, hey you." She turned and saw nobody around. "Over here in the bushes." The voice whisprerd again. Zee thought for sure it was a trick but she could not stay here forever and if she started to run at this rate even if the person behind the bush was an old man he would catch up. She walked over to the bushes and peered behind. She was pulled down onto her knees.

"Stay down, there still out here looking for you." He said.

Zee looked at the person. It was a boy, he looked around 16. He had brilliant green eyes and ginger colored hair. "Who are you?" She asked.

"The names Grant."

"I'm Z-" She was cut off.

"I know who you are, everyone knows who you are."

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