Chapter 13

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Carrie woke the next morning to Harrison getting out of bed. With her arm still around Rawlings, she watched him head into the bathroom. "What's your daddy doing?" She asked Rawlings who was also watching Harrison walk into the bathroom.

Rawlings jumped off the bed and followed Harrison. "Hey buddy."

A few minutes later Harrison came out of the bathroom, teeth brushed and his hair combed nicely to the side. Carrie watched him pull a suit from his closet and change into it.

"Where are you going?"

Harrison looked up, noticing for the first time that she was awake. "Emergency football meeting," he answered.

Carrie sat up. "I better get going too. I have to pick Billie up from a friend's."

He put on a tie. "I should be home in two hours if you just want to bring her back here. Then we can do something."

"Okay." She leaned back against the pillow.

"And if you want you can take Rawlings. He would go for a ride with you." Rawlings sat beside the bed and was now looking up at Carrie as if to say please take me?

Carrie laughed seeing the crooked tie. "Come here."

Harrison did as told, sitting on the edge of the bed as she redid his tie. "Thanks Carrie," he whispered, kissing her forehead. The kiss then trailed down to her lips as she pulled his body against hers.

She didn't want to let him go. But he had to and so did she. Carrie quickly kissed him once more before pushing him up. "I'll see you in a little bit sweetheart," Harrison whispered into her ear before standing up. "Help yourself to anything," he said before leaving.

After he left, Carrie forced herself to get out of bed. Rawlings followed her around the entire house, even helping her find cereal in the kitchen. "Good boy," she told him as she tossed him a frosted flake. "Want to go for a car ride Rawley?"

Rawlings barked. "I take that as a yes."

In a half hour, when she was ready to go, Carrie opened the passenger side door of her car to let Rawlings jump in. She didn't care how much hair he got all over the car, she needed to clean it anyway. Rawlings immediately stuck his head out the window and Carrie laughed when his tongue blew up and hit him in the face. But he didn't care.

Harrison lived out in the country, a place she would love to live. It took her quite a bit to get back on the main road that would take them to Billie's friends house. Almost every car she passed waved at Rawlings with his tongue sticking out the window. Rawlings would just bark and let his tongue hit him again. "Rawley you are something else."

There was quite a bit of traffic on the road. And with the traffic came all the idiots that didn't know how to drive in it. Instead of speeding like normal, she got in the right lane and let all the people in a huge rush pass her. Then it really became idiot driver day. A big truck about the size of Harrison's came flying by with a trailer behind it. Carrie was doing well over the speed limit, but the truck with whatever it was hauling, probably shouldn't of been going as fast as it was.

Carrie could just see it coming. They had just crested a hill when the truck hit its breaks and then put on its turn signal. The two cars behind it were not paying attention. She dropped back a little bit to give the cars a chance to pass the truck, but when it slowed down, the people who weren't paying attention didn't have enough time to slow down.

It seemed like slow motion when both the cars cut her off to avoid rear ending the truck. The first car made it in front with no problem, but the second barely avoided grazing the front of her car. Carrie punched the steering wheel, honking at the dumb driver. "You f**king asshole!" She shouted. "Maybe you should learn to f**king pay attention!"

As soon as she said it, Carrie was glad Billie wasn't around for this one. That was language her daughter did not need to be repeating. And that would've definitely given little B a scare.

She finally made it to get Billie without any other incidents. "Hey B," she said as Billie got in the backseat.

"Did you get me a doggy mommy!?"

"No honey, this is Harrison's doggy. His name is Rawlings."

Carrie let Rawlings climb in the backseat where Billie began to pet him. "He's adorable mommy!"

"I know sweetie."

As she was about to pull out, her phone rang. It was Harrison telling her his meeting was going to take longer than expected. "Well B, what do you want to do? When Harrison gets done with his meeting, we were going to take you somewhere. Do you want to take Rawley for a walk at the park?"

"Yeah mommy!"

They arrived at the park not long after. Rawlings was very anxious to go for a walk. A long walk was something he didn't do with Harrison much lately because Harrison couldn't walk far distances. Billie let him out, and Carrie attached his leash. They let Rawlings lead the way. And he was very, very excited. He was tugging on the leash pretty hard. "Okay Rawley, I know you're excited."

All that pulling must've taken some energy out of him because he slowed his pace and walked with the girls. They kept walking until Billie was getting tired and Harrison would be done with his meeting soon. On the way back to the car, they ran into Bryan.

"Billie stay close to mommy," she whispered as he approached. She tightened her grip of Rawlings' leash as Billie sort of hid behind her.

Rawlings must've felt Carrie's slight tremble through the leash, for he began to snarl as Bryan got closer. "What the hell do you want?" Carrie asked.

"I want my daughter back," he answered calmly, ignoring the snarling dog standing between him and his daughter.

"You're not getting her back."

Bryan took another step closer. Rawlings tugged at the leash, now barking at him. He tried to jump on Bryan but Carrie held him back. "Rawlings!" It was like he knew Bryan was trouble.

Rawlings lashed out, barely missing Bryan's hand with his teeth. Carrie was really struggling to pull him back. He continued to bark at Bryan and snarl. "You have a really messed up dog."

Rawlings didn't like that one bit. He jumped up and scratched Bryan's arm. After that Bryan began to back away as Rawlings continued to bark. Eventually he gave up and walked away. Rawlings stopped barking and ran back to Billie and Carrie to get pet. "Good boy Rawley. Good boy."

The same thing in this chapter that happened to Carrie in this chapter, happened to me this morning. What ticks me off is that people don't know how to drive. When the two cars cut me off, I punched the steering wheel so hard it hurt. I can only think of what would've happened if I was closer to the truck because then they would've hit me.

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