Chapter 12

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Carrie made her way inside his house, realizing for the first time how big it actually was. The first time she was here, she didn't stay long due to the discovery of his PED's.

From the outside it didn't look like it, but from the inside it was huge. Carrie had only been in part of the living room and part of the upstairs.
There was a spiral staircase the went up to the upstairs and above there was a walkway that could be seen from both the living room and the front door.

As she continued in straight to the living room, the kitchen was to the left. He stood behind the counter, cutting what looked like steak. "You going to make me dinner?"

Harrison looked up from the cutting board with a smile. "Yes sweetheart."

Carrie made her way around the counter, wrapping her arms around him and kissing him. There was a thud as he stabbed the knife into the wooden cutting board to kiss her back. She felt her back press against the counter as his hands slipped down to her hips. Their kiss was interrupted as something smashed into both their legs.

She looked down at the object that had bumped into them. It was a German shepherd. "That's Rawlings."

"Rawlings like the glove?"

Harrison nodded. "Exactly. When I got him, the first thing he did was chew up a Rawlings football. That's where the name came from."

"I love the name." Rawlings sniffed her hand, getting her to lean down and pet him. "Hi Rawley."

As Carrie rubbed his head, he began to lick her hand. "Aren't you adorable?" He barked quietly. "Yes you are."

Harrison slowly walked across the kitchen as she continued to pet Rawlings. This past week, Carrie adjusted his knee brace to give him a few degrees of flexibility. He was now off his crutches and able to move decently.

He came back with two plates. "Water, beer or pop?"

"Water. I don't drink much."

Harrison set the plates down before petting Rawlings. "Rawley can you get me a water?"

Carrie was shocked when Rawlings turned and jogged over to the fridge before pushing the door open with his nose. Once the fridge was open, he carefully stuck his head inside and grabbed a water bottle between his teeth. Then he backed into the refrigerator door to close it and brought the bottle to Harrison.

"Good boy!" Harrison reached behind him and tossed Rawlings a piece of steak. Then he handed the water bottle to Carrie.

"Did you teach him that?" She asked in awe.

"No," he answered honestly. "I think he realized I was hurt because I was on the couch a lot. And opening the fridge was his favorite thing to do. He would keep bringing me bottles until I took the right one from him. Now he loves to do this."

"You're still hurt," she reminded.

"It's okay," he answered with a smirk. "I have you to help me with that."

With a smile, Carrie helped him finish dinner. After that the ate. And his steak was amazing. Rawlings sat on the floor next to her, begging for another piece of steak. Carrie was reluctant to share upon realizing how good it was. But eventually she gave in and tossed Rawlings another piece.

She finished her steak way before he did and ended up going back for more. Find a guy that happily cooks for you; check. "You're going to have to make this more often."


After dinner, Harrison showed her around. His living room was huge, full of two full size couches and a large tv. There wasn't much to the basement except for it was all workout equipment. Their was a guest room on the first floor and three other bedrooms upstairs.

Out back he had a large in ground pool and a hot tub. The kitchen consisted of a wrap around counter that featured a bar as well. "There's always people here," he told her when she asked about the bar.

Carrie followed him into the garage where his truck sat parked next to some other car she hadn't seen before. Rawlings came bolting out after them, immediately running to his box of toys and picking out a football.

She then followed him to another garage that wasn't attached to the house. Before Harrison could unlock the door, Rawlings sat right in front, demanding that Harrison throw the football for him. Rawlings set the ball gently in his hands and Harrison threw it as far as he could, and Rawlings took off after it.

Inside the massive garage were hundreds of wood carvings. They ranged from an owl in a tree to a replica of Rawlings. "Whoa."

On the left side was his workbench which was covered in wood shavings and surrounded by carvings. Behind one of the two garage doors were two four wheelers and there was a car covered in the back corner of the garage. Next to the car lay a dog bed for Rawlings.

Harrison showed her some of his projects as they carefully made their way threw the maze of wood sculptures. "What do you do with all these?"

"I sell them or sometimes give them away. I've been working on something for you."

"I want to see it."

"No it's a surprise."

Carrie guessed it must've been the project with a tarp covering it. "Come on let me see it."

He put his arms around her waist. "It's a surprise sweetheart."

"You're no fun," she teased as they walked back to the house.


Later that night, the two of them were cuddled up on the couch watching the Cowboys game. "Would Billie still want to go to a game sometime?"

"Oh yes." Carrie could imagine the smile on her daughters face when she told her they were going to a Cowboys game, with Harrison.

Leaning back on him, she allowed herself to close her eyes as the game went into overtime. Some time later she woke up with her head propped against a pillow and Rawlings pressed against her side under the covers.

"Hi Rawley."

He picked his head up at the sound of her voice, and got up to lay himself between Carrie and Harrison. The space wasn't quite big enough so when he laid between the two of them, he pushed them both back a little and woke up Harrison.


But Rawlings ignored his dad and let Carrie rest an arm on his back. She looked over at Harrison with a smile, giggling about the fluffy dog who just stuck himself between the two of them.

"He does that a lot."

Rawlings turned to his side as Carrie began to pet him. "Who's a good boy?"

He licked her. "Yes you are."

"Attention seeker," she heard Harrison mutter.

Carrie leaned over Rawlings to kiss him. "Love you."

"I love you too," he answered, kissing her passionately again before she leaned back to lay behind Rawlings.

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