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You ran and ran. Faster and faster. You didn't know how long your legs would hold out, but you kept trying your best to get away. To get away from that little house in the middle of nowhere. Where... He lived. You didn't know who the hell he was. You had just met him, so you didn't know his personality at all either. But for some strange reason, you didn't trust him.

I just wanted to find a way to escape this damn hell hole of a place. That's all I asked for. Nothing more. Nothing less. And then this is what happens to me...

Why did I have to meet that guy? Why did I have to meet Lincoln...? Now he knows me too, as well as his damn brother... That other prince. Prince Alrik. He's pretty much thinking about why I left, and who I even am...

Wait a second! I didn't tell him I worked -well- I didn't tell him I was made to work as a slave in that ugl- okay fine. It's a nice palace... But that still doesn't mean that I like it though! Anyways, I can't let him know who I am exactly... If I ever met him again, that is.​​​​​​​​​​​

You ran further west, until you finally reached the castle again at last. You sighed, breathing deeply from all your running, and lazily crashed against the wall of the castle walls. You closed your (E/c) eyes, and took deep breaths.





There was a noise. All so sudden though. Your eyes wedged open, and you immediately lifted up your guard again. All the way up this time. You were in no mood for more stupid surprises from random strangers today.

You crept alongside the side of the large creamy coloured wall, trying to keep your breath in as you did so. The noise was getting louder as you walked closer and closer. You slowly and carefully poked your head out from the side where the wall changed directions. There was something in the bushes. You could hear it clearer now that you were this close to it. What is it...? You thought inside your head, as you began to start on your way towards the leafy green bush that was making the rattling sound you could hear.

​​​Arghh! You shrieked as a rabbit popped out. An actual rabbit. Rabbit. Seriously? What the heck was this place, a farm​​​​​​? You sighed, placed a hand on your forehead, and shook your head from side to side. I can't believe it was just. A. Freaking. Rabbit. I'm so paranoid today, geez.

You shook your head a few more times, before making your way back around and into the castle. I should get back to work. They could be looking for me out here if I don't arrive there soon. And besides, I'd rather they don't find out about where I've been.

You sighed once more, and walked all the way back to the door from the kitchen that you let yourself out of earlier this day. You walked past a few of the many chefs that were cooking something delicious. Man, that smells so good! I wish we could have some of that stuff too. Woah, that would be the day, heh. But nope, that's not gonna happen anytime soon, now, is it? No. You continued on your way, edging past the suspicious eyes of your fellow workers in the castle. Wow, guess not a lot of people like me here, do they? You wouldn't let that get you down though. You carried on with your way until you reached your bedroom. Your warm and cosy bedroom.

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