A New Face

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You quickly knelt down to the floor, not caring if you got dirty or not right now. There was a freaking dying person on the ground! Who would care about keeping themselves clean right now?

Stupid people, that's who. You thought inside your head, as you carefully tried to touch the unconscious male in front of you. You slowly inched a little closer to him, to try to see if he would move or no-

"Argh! He moved! He freaking moved!" You yelled out in a little shocked voice. Okay, so, you weren't expecting this... Boy... To move at all. You thought he was dead. Nada. Zero more of him. But nope. He just moved. He really moved alright. I saw it with my own eyes.

"Okay, first, first what do I do?" You slowly tried to piece together everything you knew about anything, to try and save this boy's life. "Ahhh! I don't think straight in pressure like this! This is way too much pressure right now. Okay, okay, (Y/n) think straight. Breathe, okay? Just breath. In and out. In and out..."

Buuut while you were just sitting there, uselessly might I add, he moved once again. The boy in a pool of blood moved. This is like a horror movie. While you were thinking these weird things inside your head, he tried to stir and look around. And like the hero you were -or thought you were- you leaned in closer to help him up. You leaned in a little further to try and catch his arm. You held onto it and with your other arm, you wrapped that around his torso, trying to finally pull him up. Ugh, it's either me, or he's just kinda heavy... You eventually pulled him further up, until he was just barely standing. And then? And then do you know what you did? You gently placed him down onto the soft velvet red sofa. Hmm... He might fall like that though. You thought that, and decided to act upon it, by grabbing a few nearby cushions and stuffing them around his body, trying to help keep him steady.

He did move slightly before, when you were helping him up and all, but not right now. Right now he was quiet again. His breathing was lightly and shallow. At least I can hear him breath... That's a good sign then. You thought that inside your head, as you watched his careful face.

You knew you were staring at him. You knew that. But who's here to stop me? There's no one else here... And he's unconsciousness still. Well, he just sounds like he's sleeping now though. But still. It's okay... Right? And besides... This isn't creepy in any way possible. I'm just... Taking... Information... From a possible ally here. Well, I don't really know him yet. So I don't know if he's a so-called 'Ally' of mine yet. But yeah. Still... Oh! For God's sake! Just leave me alone brain! Let me just stare at him. Ugh. There's nothing else to do anyway.

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Sacred Hearts [Yandere!PrincexReader]Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя