Evil and good

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SPOILERS : Guys this contains spoilers if you haven't watched episode  20 of season 3 don't read !!!!SPOILERS !!!

 SPOILERS : Guys this contains spoilers if you haven't watched episode  20 of season 3 don't read !!!!SPOILERS !!!

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Summary: ever since Barry changed the timeline you got powers. You never told your boyfriend, Barry but he soon found out when your powers took over control and you became a villain for a short amount of time.  Then came savitar a speedster that turned your world around for good.

A/n this is basically like killer frost x savitar team up but a few changes!


  You looked in the mirror. You felt different. You felt strong ,not weak as you usually feel.
You just stared at yourself before grabbing the red lipstick you always wear. You stared before you realized that you weren't wearing red lipstick, you were wearing a dark black and you loved it.   So you walked out the door and headed to star labs.


" have you been able to find a trace of......" you heard your boyfriend,Barry stop as soon as he saw you and you smirked. He soon got the attention of the rest of the team and they all looked at you.

"Woah,(y/n). What's up with the lipstick?"  Cisco questioned. He probably found you attractive and you liked it and you had no idea why... plus you had a boyfriend who was in front of you gawking.

" I don't know I just really loved how it looked on me" you shrugged

Barry just looked at you.

" what?" You snapped

" you okay?" He asked concerned and you scoffed. You didn't know why you did that you would usually think 'awe' and tell him you're fine.

" yeah! I'm fine why do you ask?" You said calming down but all you felt was a rage inside of you.

"You don't like black,at all." Barry told you

" if I didn't like it why would I have it?" You questioned him  once more before you took a deep breath and calmed down.

"Well you only  bought it for a costume." He  answered

" (y/n), can I talk to you?" Cisco spoke after the silence in the room "alone." You shrugged and followed him to the speed lab as hoping you and cisco would have a private conversation.

"Yes?" You turned to him "what's wrong with you?" He asked as he scrunched his eyebrows

"What do you mean? I'm fine."  You rolled your eyes at all the questions you were getting today just because of a damn lipstick color.

"Is it the powers?" Cisco spokes loudly. You hit him in the shoulder "what the hell! Be quiet!" You hissed.

Cisco was the only one that knew about your powers. He accidentally walked in on you using them when you were trying to figure them out. You got scared that it was Barry and hit him with a powerful force that sent him flying back. He actually freaked out (of excitement) and told you he would help you control them and he did but recently they've been in the fritz lately. You would get nervous and suddenly things are flying everywhere or when you get mad but luckily no one is around for that.

"Cisco in fine, okay? What's wrong with feeling confident about wearing a different shade of lipstick?" You asked

"Nothing! I love that you're confident!"cisco winked at you and you playfully slapped him in the shoulder "thank you!"

  Suddenly you both heard the meta-human alarm and ran to the cortex.

"  5th and avenue, the tracker on savitar." Julian  spoke as he read off the screen.  Barry kissed you on the cheek and you whispered to him " I'm sorry I snapped at you."  He told you it was fine before whispering in your ear that " you look really hot in that lipstick by the way" before speeding off.

You felt yourself smiling like an idiot .

"Oh my god we've known he has super speed for the past three years and we still have no paper-weights!" Caitlin groaned as  you and iris helped her pick up the scattered  papers from the ground.

" okay Barry do you see him.?" Cisco spoke into the intercom. The whole team was around the screen you stood next to Julian and caitlin while h.r was next to you and iris and cisco sat down


"Good. What is he doing?" Cisco asked

"He's -he's just standing there."

"What?" You asked

" what do you want?" You all heard Barry speak

" I want to see you suffer."

"Really? How will you do that? How do you know what's gonna happen?" Barry asked

"I am the future flash. I know everything like what is going to happen in a few minutes it's going to change all of your lives." Savitar spoke before speeding away and Barry quickly followed  before he stopped.

"Guys where is he I can't see him!" Barry exclaimed

"Go right" you said but at the same time the rest of the team said "go left"

They all looked at you, clearly on the screen he went left why did you tell Barry to go right?

"Left! Go left!" You told Barry and you saw him move to savitars direction  and you frowned .

"To slow flash?" You heard savitars voice which sent shivers down your spine.


" in 1,2,3" was the last thing you heard clearly before one of the strongest pains you've ever felt in your life went all over your body your head felt like it was about to explode , your legs felt weak. So you clutched your head with both of your hands hoping it would stop it didn't. You just felt the pain.

"(Y/n), are you okay?(y/n)!" Julian asked you

"What's wrong!?" You heard Barry not clear enough

You grabbed support at the wall and slid down.
"It hurts, make it stop." You said as you put your hands over your ears trying to make the pain go away the piercing sound of someone screaming, it was you.

Cisco rushed over to you but he couldn't get near you because he was blasted across the cortex by you. You didn't mean to do any of that but it felt nice knowing you hurt them.

You looked  back at them and noticed  everyone around cisco. Julian looked at you and you smiled before walking  off.

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