Good Riddance

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SONG: Good Riddance (Time of Your Life)
ARTIST: Green Day
ALBUM: Nimrod
SONGWRITER: Billie Joe Armstrong

Lead singer Billie wrote this when his girlfriend moved to Ecuador. He tried to be levelheaded about it, but to show his anger, he named the song "Good Riddance" and made "Time Of Your Life" the subtitle. Whatever this relationship was, was incredible but he was equally happy to be rid of it because it was worn out and wasn't going anywhere particularly.

The song shows us about life, how we are not to question it and keep moving on.

The album version begins with Billie playing a wrong note. He begins again, repeats the wrong note, and proclaims "fuck!". Then the actual song begins. Radio versions, of course, omit this.

Another turning point
A fork stuck in the road
Time grabs you by the wrist,
Directs you where to go

There is a turning point in the writer's life. We know his girlfriend is moving to Ecuador, but to the average listener this can be any turning point. This song talks about life in general.

So there is a turning point. There is a fork in the road (fork is the point at which a road branches into two). This expression is a metaphor for making big decisions. It shows that there are two paths in front of us and we have to choose.

But even though there are choices in front of us, sometimes in actuality we have no choice at all. Life can do things to us that we don't want or don't like, and we have no option but to accept it.

Often, time tells us what to do. Time has been personified, saying that it "grabs us by the wrist and tells us where to go". Everything is predetermined. What has to happen will happen, and time won't stop, it will simply take us along with it. We won't be able to change anything.

So make the best of this test
And don't ask why
It's not a question
But a lesson learnt in time

Now life has given us a difficult situation. This is a test for us, and we should make the best of it. We should make ourselves stronger. We should look for opportunities in our obstacles. There is a flood of emotions inside us right now, and we must put these emotions to good use, we must channel our anger into something productive, rather than causing destruction.

"Don't ask why": what has happened has happened. Now we must not waste time by questioning our life. We have to accept it. We should not let one bad thing destroy the other good things in our life. We have to let go.

You can't question life; it is pointless. So this bad thing that has happened to us, this is not a question. It is a lesson for us. We have to learn from this incident. "Lesson learnt in time": this is a lesson learnt at the right time. When something bad happens, keep the lesson and throw away the experience.

(To be 'in time' means to be early; to be before time. If I say I was in time for the show, I mean that I reached the show before it started. If I say I reached the bus-stop on time, I mean that I reached the bus-stop exactly at that point of time when the bus came. 'On time' refers to a point of time).

This song has a bitter, angry tone to it, because it expresses our helplessness to do anything, and it expresses the irony of life.

It's something unpredictable
But in the end, it's right
I hope you had the
Time of your life ♪

This bad thing that happened to us, it is unpredictable. But in the end, when we grow old and look back on our life, we will realize that this bad thing was a very important part of our life; it taught us stuff, it changed us, it affected us. If we can make the best of this test and make ourselves stronger, in the end we will realize that what happened to us was right. Now all is well.

Joy doesn't change us as much as grief does, remember this.

The author hopes that we enjoyed the journey of life, that we enjoyed this roller-coaster ride. To have "the time of your life" means to thoroughly enjoy yourself.

So take the photographs
And still-frames in your mind

Hang them up on a shelf
In good health and good time

Take the photographs, and the good memories in your mind. "Hang them on a shelf" is probably a metaphor. When you put something on a shelf for display, it is always right there in front of you. So the songwriter is telling us to keep our good memories with us and in front of us always. We should keep the good with us because it encourages us to go on.

Or, it could be that we are still in that old-age phase. Now we are old, and all the hurt has lessened with time. Our wounds have healed to some extent, and we can think about our past without feeling hurt and without shedding a tear.

And now it's time to take the photographs of our youth, when bad stuff happened to us, and put them up on a shelf. Now we can look at them easily, talk about them openly, display them proudly on the shelf. The bad thing that happened to us has turned out to be a good thing after all.

"In good health" means with a good state of mind, a happy state of mind. We are at peace now.

Tattoos of memories and
Dead skin on trial
For what it's worth
It was worth all the while

The tattoo of a memory is a scar. It is permanent, like a tattoo. The bad thing that happened to us in our youth, it left a scar. Dead skin signifies the skin around the scar. All this is metaphorical, of course, we don't actually have scars over our bodies.

Now our scars our on trial, meaning, we are contemplating whether or not these scars ever helped us in any way.

The meaning of "for what it's worth is": considering what limited worth this advice, opinion, or suggestion might have for you; Used to soften the presentation of unsolicited advice or information that may not be relevant.

So the songwriter is giving us his opinion: in the end, all the pain and scars we took were worth all the while because they made us stronger and got us where we are today.

It's something unpredictable
But in the end, it's right
I hope you had the
Time of your life ♪

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