The begining

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"Run Jane, Run!" "But mommy!"
"C'mon sweetheart." "Mommy no!"

I woke up screaming. "Are you ok sweetie?"Called my dad. "Yeah dad, don't worry."I yelled from my room as I got up from my bed.after going down the stairs I found my dad cooking. Something he rarely did. "There's pancakes if you want any." "Nah I'll just have some toast."
"So, I heard you were chosen to represent the school. In some fancy competition." "yeah. It's no big deal though. It's just some stupid math thing."
-in school-
As I walked into the school my best friend Hannah came up to me and started telling me how excited she was to compete in the competition with me and how if we worked together we could honor the school. Honestly to me, the competition was just a lame excuse to fill the cabinets in the halls along with the trophies for football and  basketball. All that mattered to me was just living my life to the fullest like my mom told me before... the "accident".

* Ring, Ring*
" Ugh." Moaned Hannah. "What's the matter?" I have class with the new sub teacher. He's pretty creepy if you know what I mean." Unfortunately, I did.

Dont really have a name yet ( I know it's a crappy story)Where stories live. Discover now