Chapter 6: Terror Time and the Hot Springs

Start from the beginning


When the steam mostly cleared up, the first thing Nate and Katie saw were the half-naked old men dancing in the background along with some seaweed Yo-kai.

"What in the-?!"

Shocked couldn't even begin to describe how the group felt at the moment.

All of this over a pair of underwear?! Why was Sproink even wearing a random pair of underwear he found in the first place?!

Whisper was looking up information on Sproink to help the battlers out, but the steam made it difficult to read his Yo-kai Pad.

"Hang on, I have to clean the screen off. Try to weaken him until I can get the information. I swear there was something about this Yo-kai that is vital to this battle."

Cadin started by attempting to slash Sproink's face, but it was blocked by one of the wooden buckets, which Cadin bounced off of, getting damaged on the way down. Sproink then threw the bucket at Cadin, weakening his health even more.

"Oww...I'm alright, but this Yo-kai is a strong one."

Jibanyan helped Cadin up and Tattletell quickly slapped Sproink's face multiple time until he started covering his face with both wooden buckets. Jibanyan started hitting Sproink's belly button, not noticing that he was starting to turn red. Whisper finally found the information and shock filled his face.

"Jibanyan! Stop hitting his belly button! Too much pain in that area will activate his Soultimate Move!"

Jibanyan's paw just barely touched the belly button, but that slight touch made Sproink mad enough to prepare his Soultimate Move.

"Quick! Someone try to cancel it! Nate, Katie, make sure you have healing items on hand, just in case!"

The front row did their best to cancel Sproink's Soultimate Move by using their own Soultimate Moves. While they caused a lot of damage, it didn't cancel the Soultimate Move in time. Sproink threw down his buckets and released fire from his snout, burning the front row and lowering everyone's health and making Cadin faint. Nate quickly switched out the front row and back row, gave Cadin some Bitter Medicine and healed him up.

"Everyone alright?"

Cadin, Jibanyan, and Tattletell nodded and seeing that Dimmy, Buhu, and Negatibuzz were handling the battle pretty well, they let them battle Sproink to make up for not battling much in the Slimamander battle. They were careful not to hit the belly button too much after witnessing what it could do, but that was easier said than done. Sproink threw soap at Dimmy, making him trip and unable to concentrate on battling, so Negatibuzz and Buhu did an inspirit/attack combo to slow Sproink down and lower his health until Dimmy could get back on his feet.

"Here, I'll help Dimmy up. Someone cover me!"

Nate and Jibanyan sneaked over to Dimmy and helped Dimmy get back on his feet and cleaned the soap off the floor where he had been standing.

"Thank you, Master Nate and Ally Jibanyan. Now I can deal the final blow!"

Dimmy used his Soultimate Move to defeat Sproink and the battle was finally over as Sproink fell onto his stomach.


"Why? All Sproink wanted was ta take a long soak..."

He disappeared into a puff of purple smoke and the other Yo-kai left to get some sleep. Nate and Katie found twenty-two bucks and much to do their surprise, the men's room was empty with no sign of those weird dancing old men or seaweed Yo-kai.

Yo-kai Watch: A Rewrite (Book 1 of the Rewrite Series)Where stories live. Discover now