44: Ellis Spengler

Start from the beginning

"Ellis?" Egon asked, his eyes narrowing has if he couldn't understand what was going on. 

"Hi little brother," Ellis said with a smile. Before Egon could close the door, Ellis placed his hand on the door and opened it so I could walk in and Ellis followed. If looks could kill, we would be dead. Egon was glaring at has as I sat in my chair and watched Ellis look around. Egon closed the door and watched Ellis for a long time. 

"So is there something you both want?" Egon asked us, and sat down. Ellis stayed standing. 

"I want you to stop being like this," I said pleading with him. He didn't meet my eyes. 

"Egon," Ellis told him placing his hand on Egon's shoulder. "You can't do this to out sister. She cares about you and you are making her worried sick." 

"I'm trying to keep her safe," he said quietly. I barely heard him, and what he said made me confused. Try to protect me? How is locking himself in a room keep me safe? It just makes me worried out of my mind. 

"From what?" Ellis asked him. Egon was looking at the floor. He mumbled something under his breath, but neither Ellis or I heard. "What?" Ellis asked. Egon looked up at him, fear written on his face. 

"Ligen," he answered, so quietly you would think that saying his name louder would bring the demon here. 

"What about him?" Ellis asked. 

"He told me that he would kill my sister if I didn't do what he says. He knew my biggest fear and is using it against me. One of the things is to finish the chemical that Natalie and I started. If I didn't, then she would be killed." 

"Egon, do you really think that this is the best thing to do?" 

"I don't know Ellis. I'm scared and I'm confused. I have to keep Natalie safe, but I don't feel this is right; to bend to a demon's will." 

"I know it is hard to but together, but I know that if you don't do has he says, Natalie will be fine. Natalie told me that he was trapped in a book and can't get out anymore. I don't think there is any reason to bend to his will. Besides, what can he do to Natalie that would be so bad?" Egon whispered something in Ellis' ear, and Ellis' face fell. I could tell he was telling him the many ways Egon saw me killed. I didn't say a word. I looked around the lap and found the pink chemicals Egon and I worked hard on. We never finished after Ligen since we didn't have much time, but we were close to finishing it. It was missing just one thing, but neither of use could figure it out. 

"Ellis," Egon finally spoke up that I could hear him, "what do I do?" 

"What you think is right," Ellis answered. He looked at me. "I'm sure Nat wouldn't want you to do this and feel like you are doing the wrong thing." 

"He's right Egon," I told him walking over. I took his hand in my own, and he looked up at me. "Do what you think is right, not what you think you have to do to keep me safe. I'll be fine." 

"Are you sure?" he asked, his eyes so confused and looking for an answer. I had to take one of my hands away from his and run it threw my hair and make a fist so I didn't get angry. Ligen was making my brother into something he wasn't: confused, scared, and pathetic. I would never tell him that last one, but that is what he was becoming. He wasn't the know-it-all, brave person you looked up to. He was just a little kid trying to keep his sister safe. 

"I'm sure," I answered. He smiled. 

"If you say so," he told me standing up. He looked more like my brother than he did a few moments ago. "Now I'm starving and tried. I'm going to go eat and take a nap." 

"Alright," I replied and watched him leave. I turned to Ellis who was smiling. 

"You did good," he said and I smiled. 

"I can't let Egon become what he was," I answered. "He is better than that." 

"I know. Now I have to get going. I have a few things to do, but I do want to take you and Egon out for a little dinner while I'm in town, alright?" 

"Sounds goo Ellis. It was good to see you again," I said hugging him again. He hugged back and smiled at me. 

"See you soon sis," he told me leaving. I just wish that he was right and that it would be soon. It was going to be a long time before I saw anyone else, including my friends. 

Too much cuteness! Told you that I was going to bring their brother in the story. But I hate to say that this isn't going to end well for Nat. Oh, you all now have homework! Every single one of my Stars need to go look at my new story. It's called Animal or Human. It's an X-men fanfic, and I hope it's good. I mean I'm going to enjoy writing it, and I'm sure that you will enjoy reading it. So go, like now! DO IT!!!!! Haha, peace out my Stars! 

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