Somewhere in the Grey

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Kylo Ren gasped and choked on air as he struggled against the limitations of his body. In the last thirty minutes he'd been shot with a bowcaster, stabbed in his left shoulder, and slashed in multiple places; The worst of which were the places she had attacked him. Maybe his pride had something to do with it but the constant sear of where she had slashed his flesh with his grandfathers lightsaber, had certainly felt the worst of it. Only moments ago she had stood over him, the blue glow of the plasma blade in her hand illuminating her once soft features in sapphire. Now she looked menacing. The most enticing walking contradiction he'd ever seen; an angel hellbent on vengeance!

Wisps and curls of her chestnut brown hair had freed themselves from the constraints of the three loops she tied them down with. Some blew around her in the soft wind while others clung to her face, locked down by a mixture of perspiration and the melting snow along the heat of her skin. Under the blue glow of the plasma blade she wielded, a plasma blade which was rightfully his by blood, sweat glistened and sheened along her sun kissed face and neck. He eyed the length of her, appreciating her hight and physique, though she was a bit thin he found her to be exceptionally strong. She was still much shorter than him but most people were. She was long and lean but athletic and powerful.

And her eyes...

Before when she looked at him they were wide and circular with a fear that he could follow right to her soul. Now they burned with her anger towards him. He knew he should use the Force to lock her down or mind trick her or even just to connect with the power she was currently housing so he could strengthen his own, but those blazing eyes. They dared him to try to tamper with her mind. They threatened to ignite him with their flames. It was tempting too! He could see himself as ash and ember while she engulfed him. Maker, he could never hope for a sweeter destruction then the one those eyes promised him now.

While he fought to pull himself up onto his elbows, he locked onto those wild hazel orbs. The muscles in his right shoulder refused to co-operate with his commands no matter how hard he willed it. But still, he fought against the weakness of his flesh as though through sheer force of will alone, he could override his muscles and the pain that shot through them.

Why he had followed her in his already vulnerable state he didn't know. He was better then this, stronger, and yet when it came to this girl...this scavenger... his reason always seemed muddled. This was the second time she'd bested him in one way or another. The first was during the interrogation of her only just over an hour ago. He had been in the midst of probing her mind and some how she had turned the tables on him. She found her way into the dark recesses of his mind, pulling his greatest fear to the surface and spitting it back at him like venom.

He surmised that he had lost the upper hand the second he'd revealed himself from beneath the security of his masked helmet. But while he wore it, something in the way she looked at him; with such anger and loathing in her eyes, had bothered him. Seared his soul with the same intensity as the plasma blade that wreaked such devastation on his flesh only moments ago. Why her perception of him mattered at all...was beyond him, but Maker, it had.

He'd tried to be gentle with her, though he couldn't fathom why. He'd asked for the information he sought instead of just taking it as he should've done in the first place. But no, instead he'd casually inquired about the droid he knew she had recently been in possession of. Her sharp wit had amused him when she had responded with the specifications and the build of the unit. She was quick to answer his question with out really answering his question.

As frustrated as he was amused, he cut her off, explaining more specifically about what he needed from the unit. He told her about the navigational chart the droid held inside it's memory core. Despite how hard the particular BB-8 unit had fought to keep the sensitive information to itself, it had for some reason, entrusted the image of the holo map to her.

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