"Why are you doing this?" I choked out, gasping for air.

"I was hungry and I could smell you and I though, my wouldn't that be a nice meal." He threw his head back, laughing to the heavens. He was cut off when a wolf howl echoed through the trees, loud and clear. He muttered something in what sounded like Latin before lifting his boot off of me and kneeling down beside me. "This isn't over. I will come back and have you all to myself." With one last punch in the stomach, he took off through the trees disappearing form my sight.

I rolled myself over, trying to get a handle on my breathing. My left arm was definitely broken and the wound on my right was still seeping a significant amount of blood. There was going to be bruises all over my body tomorrow. Behind me I could hear loud, thunderous footfalls approaching fast. I using my good hand to cover my head and I squeezed my eyes shut, hoping that whatever was coming towards me would pass right by and leave me alone.

The earth shook and I waited as whatever was heading my way pasted right by without even a pause. Once they were far enough away, I opened my eyes and took a few moments to sit myself up against the tree.

Suddenly I could hear soft footsteps coming towards me. I opened my mouth to scream but before I even had the chance, a smooth hand covered my mouth gently, screwing any hope of me screaming.

"Shhh, it's alright. I'm here to help." The voice sounded young, like a guy who was around my age. I nodded once, and then sighed when he dropped his hand. "Are you alright?"

"N-no" I choked out. "I...I was dropped from the tree house," I winced when he grabbed my arm. That's also when I noticed I was shivering.

His warm hands, light as air, scanned my arm, careful not to jar it. "I think it's broken. Here, can you stand?"

Before I could answer, he had taken hold of me by my waist and lifted me up. Once I was standing, my body sagged from the lack of energy and my head began to swim. My body swayed, falling forward into my savior's arms. "Whoa there,"

I could feel myself slipping. In the last few moments of consciousness I looked up into his face, taking in his features. His dark brown eyes shown with concern and comfort, and his skin, even in the darkness, had a dark, russet glow to it.

My eyes slipped shut and I fell into a dark, black hole of nothing.

~    ~   ~   ~   ~  ~   ~    ~    ~  ~    ~     ~   ~   ~     ~     ~    ~    ~    ~     ~   ~     ~

When I came to again, I could tell I was moving. Well, not me exactly, but I knew I was in a vehicle that was driving somewhere. Fast.

Before I even opened my eyes I knew I was laying stretched out in a back seat, my head lying on something very warm. Just then the car went over a bump, jarring my arm. I hissed, lifting my arm up, cradling it against my chest.

"Are you awake?" A familiar voice asked. I opened my eyes and found myself looking up into the same pair of brown eyes that where helping me before, only now I could see his entire face. I didn't respond, figuring it wasn't necessary, and decided to take a self-inventory again.

The boy whose lap I was on was holding a white cloth against my shoulder in an attempt to stop the bleeding. My head was still foggy, and I could now feel a bump starting to form on the left side of it. The rest of my body felt battered and sore; not too surprising.

"How do you feel?" The boy asked, his features filled with concern.

"Horrible," My voice came out in a whisper-like tone. "Everything...hurts."

"Don't worry, we're on our way to the hospital now. You'll be okay."

"Seth," A rich, deep voice called from the front seat.

"Yes Sam?"

"Make sure she stays awake until we get there. We can risk her falling unconscious again." I glanced over into the rear view mirror, getting a small glimpse of the man driving. He looked a lot like Seth, but he happened to be shirtless. Oh.

“Okay," He looked down at me, giving me a bit of a smile. “Do you remember anything that happened to you?”

I took a moment to close my eyes, pondering his question. The images of the horrible attack flashed through my head in order, almost as if my head was trying to tell me a story.

"Y-yes, I do. I was...attacked by a...a vampire," As I said it out loud, I knew how stupid it must've sounded to him.

“Don’t worry, it’s alright now, that monster is long gone,” Seth whispered, wiping something off my my cheek. When he pulled his hand back, I saw it was wet with my tears.

"S-sorry," I muttered, picking up my good hand and shakily wiped away the remaining tears.

"It's alright. You must be in shock." He smiled sweetly once more before he looked up to tell Sam something. I didn't hear what it was because I was starting to fade out. His words were lost in the drone of the truck's engine. My eyelids began to fall, even against my fighting to keep them open.

"Sam!" I hear Seth's voice call from a distance. I felt the truck pick up speed, and then I didn't feel anything at all.

Life Is Strange: A Twilight Werewolf FanFiction (on hold)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora