“Do I have to?” She turns over and looks at me.

“Yes. He must be really worried by now. I’m going to text him that we are okay and that we will explain soon. So, how about that hot shower?”

“Fine,” she groans and goes straight to the bathroom. The water starts running and I make some coffee and charge our phones. I quickly change into some shorts and take my shirt off. I rub my eyes and shake my hair out. It is wet from the rain too. I look at myself in the mirror. I can see frown marks starting to form on my face, so I smile real big and then look into my own eyes. They look glossy and dead and full of life all at the same time. I groan and check my phone: 57 missed calls from Michael and Calum, 36 voicemails, and 75 texts from all of the boys. I delete them all and notice that Payson texted me too earlier today. I open it up and read:

From Pay:

Chris is talking my ear off about asparagus. Save meee, muffin! XX

I smile and keep it. I text Michael, choosing my words very carefully.

To Cliffordconda:

I’m so sorry Payson and I ran off today. We will call you later to explain. :(

He replied back almost immediately, telling me he was glued to his phone today.

From Cliffordconda:

U both are in big trbble. Im pissed. U coud have ben dead! Expln now!!

To Cliffordconda:

I am truly sorry I think its better if Payson explains. Srry

I feel so bad about running away like this, but it was the best thing for Pay. Speaking of, I hear the water turn off and Payson comes out in just a towel. Her hair is dripping wet and there small beads on water covering the exposed skin. Her skin is glowing and I can help but think about how there is nothing under that towel. I shake my head and focus on the task at hand.

I swallow hard and say as firm as possible, “Michael is pissed and I made coffee.”

“Oh, okay,” she says and takes comes over by me to pour herself a cup. She concentrates on that as the moonlight peeks through the blinds, hitting her bare skin just perfectly. I try to control myself, but little Ash can’t help himself. Payson grabs her backpack and goes back into the bathroom to change. I calm myself down and make myself a cup as well. She comes back out in a long sleeve t-shirt and pajama pants. She plaits her hair and sips her coffee. She stares in my direction with the cup up to her mouth and then I notice that she is staring at my bare chest.

"You like what you see," I laugh and she looks up, blushing hard.

"So you said Michael is really mad," she changes the subject.

"Yeah. He was just afraid you were dead though, so we better call him right now."

"But I not as sober as I'd like to be. Can't we just wait till tomorrow?"

"No. It has to be tonight, sorry."

"Fine," she said and then picked up her phone and dialed Michael's number on speaker. It ringed once and he picked up.

"Hello?" I could tell his was on speaker too.  "Payson?"

"Hi, Mikey."

"Don't you dare call me that right now! Where are you?"

"Seattle," she replied nervously.

"Why the heck are you in Seattle?!"

"Look, Michael there is something I need to tell you. I have this boyfriend--"

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