Part 7

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Part 7

(I left in a cloud or purple smoke and, when i returned Jay & Carlos where knocked out and Mal and Evie were gone.)

Evil Malia: Ughhh, when you want something done right, do it yourself.

(I walked over to Jay & Carlos.)

Evil Malia: Wake up now, you imbeciles.

(I said as i kicked them and they woke up.)

Evil Malia: Whatcha doing, roasting marshmallows and having a spot of tea, where are they?

Evil Jay: Your spell was weak, it didn't work on Evie and Mal somehow, Mal got out from those crystals you had her in and Evie never went to sleep after you left.

Evil Malia: Wow, you being angry right now is, so hot.

Jay: You think so, well i am good looking, and your good looking and we would make a good looking couple, if you know what i mean.

Evil Carlos: Wait, why are we evil, aren't we good.

Evil Malia: Ughh, like i said, If you want something done right, do it yourself.

(I left in a cloud of purple smoke and i went to where i had Ben.)

Evil Malia: Your not going to die, unless i don't get what i want.

(Meanwhile Mal was going through the spell book and she found it.)

Mal: I found it, i found all the fixes to out problems, page 256.

Evie: What is it?

Mal: Uh two spells, a spell to stop Carlos and Jay from being evil and a spell to.....

(She paused and she said.)

Mal: No, that can be right?!!!!!

(She said taking a step back and then looking at it again.)

Evie: What is it?

Mal: The spell, she is asking me to do is going to separate the good & evil that is within her, it will bring her evil self out.

Evie: So what, is so bad about that.

Mal: It brings the evil out in flesh and blood.

Evie: Wait, can't good Malia, beat her with more powerful spell.

Mal: No, no spells, she has to find a way to defeat her evil self, on her own.

Evie: Okay let's get working on the spell to free Carlos and Jay.

(They spent half an hour and Mal and Evie grabbed the hair from Jay and Carlos's brushes and she said.)

Mal: Okay Taper candles are lit, the water is crystal clear, we have the salt, i drew the circle, placed the hair in the circle, i am ready to go.

Evie: Be careful.

Mal: Always.

(Evie waited in the bathroom and Mal got started.)

Mal: A spell was cast with baneful will, a wicked web was wrongly spun, I take away the harm and ill, I now undo what has been done.

(Thats when Carlos and Jay, just fell to the ground and then they woke up 20 minutes later.)

Jay: What happened.

Carlos: Mal saved us, come on let's get out of here, before Evil Malia, get's back.

(They left as fast as they could.)

(Meanwhile Beast and Belle were almost at Mal's dorm room and they knocked on her door and Mal opened it.)

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