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Kate stood in her work shop busy painting a portrait of a crying child while listening some random song on the radio, Together by Demi Lovato and Jason Derulo. A knock on the door pulled her attention.

She walk to it opening the door seeing, Tatiana, one of the workers there. She has red hair blown into a pixie hairstyle, a mini dress and glasses.

"Family is here." She informed her. Kate gave a sighed and put down het paint brush heading down to her guest.

Arriving down she greeted the children each with a kiss on the cheek then looked back at them happily. Acting? Well, if it was that easy at night when she gets nightmares she would've been able to become the next Meryl Streep.

"You call me if you need anything okay." Kate assured touching her daughter's cheek.

"Of course. Now bye. I love you." Kayla giggled. Kate gave a little smile watching the two leave as Dale stood there and looked at her.

The usual facial expression. Not excited, nor unhappy. Just...normal with a little smile.

"Are you gonna be alright?" Dale asked about to touch her shoulder but her face turned sad and a bit scared as she move her shoulder away without showing any shame.

"Please..." She put her hands infront of her showing him to back off but in a respective way. "...don't touch me."

"Sorry." Dale gave her a worried look. "Is everything alright?"

It's okay to ask a question like that. He may get to know. But she doesn't have to speak the truth. Sometimes some things are just better kept quiet about.  What will he do anyway? He's just the ex-husband.

"Yeah of course." She lied trying to hold something back. Dale is a concerning man, what wouldn't he do to find out what's going on?

"Are you sure?" Dale asked caringly trying to see through her lies which is impossible. She has her barriers set high enough. One crossover and she'll explode. Just as cold as she appears to be, she's a fragile structure formed by the dark nights of her past.

"Yeah. I'm sure." She replied looking him up and down. "Now go. The kids are waiting."

Dale nod and walk away as Kate fold her arms putting her one hand's fingers on her mouth just watching him leave.


In the car, on their way out of town the silence was soon interrupted by Dale that had a question dancing on his mind.

Was it about Kate?
Of course
Was he gonna ask the question?
Of course
But, was he gonna get the true answer, fix everything and live happily ever after again?
There's no such thing like happily ever after. There is no such thing as an ending. The ending is when you actually lay in your deathbed.

"So, uhmmm, is your mother seeing anyone?" Dale asked a little concerned just to know what he doesn't know at all. He should rather stand his ground. He messed up his side of the marriage and now he wants to care all of a sudden now that Nicole has left him.

"Did you ever see her with someone?" Kayla asked a little irritated like any teenager would.

"No." Dale replied honestly.

"Exactly." Kayla rolled her eyes.

If her eyeballs wasn't attached to her organs, it wouldn't have been in it's position. She's an annoyed teenager. They don't know much about their parents' divorce, but when you're divorced it means there should be no strings attached or any emotional involvement. Their mother is broken and they know it. Kids always sense their parents' feelings. In the end we're only human.

"What do you mean 'exactly'?" Dale asked confused saying the word 'exactly' out clearly.

"Dad, she's not the one for dating." Kyle laughed and sit up straight to get a better view of the road ahead.

How ever he got himself into this conversation was somehow creepy though. You would think he'd mind his own business but then the next thing you know he just appear there out of nowhere like he just got borned. Kind of like in these horrors you get these days.

"And from the way I see it, she hates letting other lay their dirty hands on her." Kayla agreed with her brother holding on to this clear point of view from how they see their mother.

"I wonder why." Kyle said in almost a whisper knowing that there sure are agreements. Agreements to which no one will know.

"Maybe something made her this way or she was raised like that." Kayla said resting her head against her seat.

Dale just stared ahead starting to have the same repeatable questions suffocating his mind. It's like struggling to breath when you're being held under water by a flood.

Soon he's gonna be on the hunt to find out. And the ones who's gonna be under it all, is gonna be Kate.

The innocent ex-wife Book 1Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora